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Ce maître d'ouvrage publie des avis sous Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement.
PAKISTAN - NRSP MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED opère dans le pays suivant : Pakistan.
NRSP Microfinance Bank (NRSP Bank), established in 2011 and headquartered in Bahawalpur, South Punjab, was founded by the NGO National Rural Support Programme (NRSP Foundation). This institution was created with the aim of becoming a resilient financial institution, capable of mobilizing deposits, securing funding from local banks, and expanding its range of financial products for rural communities. The decision to establish NRSP Bank was influenced by the seismic impact of the 2008 earthquake on the entire sector, particularly NRSP.
Ownership of the Bank was distributed as follows: NRSP Foundation held a majority stake of 57%, while IFC, Proparco each held 16% and Acumen held 11% of the capital, forming a significant international minority shareholder base, all of which became shareholders in 2011 except for PROPARCO which joined as shareholder in 2022.

Avis de passation de marchés

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Type de l'avis Titre de l'Avis Publié Date limite (heure locale)
Appel d'offres Request for Proposal – Bank’s Strategy Fev 14, 2024  Mar 8, 2024 
Appel d'offres Request for Proposal – Bank’s Strategy Fev 14, 2024  Fev 16, 2024 
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