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Request for Proposal for the recruitment Advisor on the Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Service for Ministry of Finance (EXPIRED)

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Éthiopie
Ville/Localité:   Addis Ababa
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   MoF-AFD-0017-CS-INDV
Date de publication:   Aou 11, 2021
Date limite (heure locale):   Septembre 6, 2021 - 15:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   ETHIOPIA - Ministry of Finance
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Required Education, Experience and Competence:
At least a Master’s Degree qualifications in Economics, Development Policy, International Relations, Development Studies or related filed.
Technical and Functional Experience:
 Senior professional with at least 8 years of experience in the field of resource mobilization, partnership management, Development effectiveness, planning, or public finance
 Demonstrated ability and experience in partnership building, negotiations and resource mobilization;
 Experience in development policy advisory, strategy formulation and analytical work;
 Experience in leading and managing a multi-disciplinary team;
 Multicultural, gender and political sensitivity to the staff, stakeholders and target beneficiaries with a positive mindset.
 Excellent interpersonal/communication and networking skills, as well as writing skills;
 Computer literacy is essential;
 Innovative thinking, resourcefulness, a proactive approach and a team player.
Functional Competencies:
Development and Operational Effectiveness
 Ability to lead strategy design, KPIs formulation and results-based management;
 Advanced knowledge of result-based management;
 Ability to implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change;
 Energetic, efficient and considerate in the use of resources, reliable and able to act quickly.
Management and Leadership
 Builds strong relationships with partners, focuses on impact and result for the partner and responds positively to feedback;
 Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
 Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
 Strong Consensus building and conflict resolution skills;
 Willing and able to guide, support and mentor others in the performance of their duties.
Knowledge Management and Learning
 Promotes knowledge management in the Ministry of Finance and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
 Actively works to transfer knowledge and experience to colleagues.
Language skills
(i) Proficient in oral and written English; (ii) Fluent in oral and written Amharic (iii) Additional language skills are an asset.
Duration of Assignment
The duration of the position for the Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor will be for 18 months. The contract will be signed for a year subjected to extension based on performance and availability of resource
Evaluation Criteria/selection criteria
The following criteria shall be used to select candidates:
• General qualification and relevant training of the candidates (25 points)
• Relevant Specific experience of the candidates related to the assignment (45 points)
• Adequate knowledge , and understanding in partnership building, negotiations, and resource mobilization; lead strategy design, KPIs formulation and results-based management, in implementation of new system , KPI formulation and RBM (15 points)
• Skills and competency –language (Proficient in oral and written English; (ii) Fluent in oral and written Amharic , (15 points) interpersonal/communication and networking skills, as well as writing , Computer literacy , Innovative thinking, resourcefulness, a proactive approach, and a team player Multicultural, gender and political sensitivity etc
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Abera Gelgelu
Senior Procurement Specialist
Ministry of Finance
Arada Sub City
6killo infron of Lion Cage
Addis Ababa
Téléphone:   + 251911059481
Adresse électronique :   copcdpfmabera@gmail.com



Dossier d'appel d'offres et documents joints

  • Sollicitation (91 KB; Aou 11, 2021)
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Texte original

Request for Proposal

August 11, 2021
Dear Mr./Ms.: Eligible Consultant

1. The Ministry of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereinafter called “Client”) has received financing (hereinafter called “the funds”) from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) toward the cost of consultant for the partnerships and Resource mobilization advisory service . The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued.

2. The Ministry of Finance now invites proposals from individual consultants to provide the following consulting Services: The consultant will provide technical advice and policy analysis for the key reform priority , develop resource mobilization and partnership building strategy to implement HGER agenda. He/she also will advise on SOE reforms and global development financing intelligence for the partnership and resource mobilization advisory service. More details on the Services are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR).

3. A consultant shall be selected under the quality-based selection method (Consultant’s qualifications) and cost. The candidate should possess experience in resource mobilization ,partnership management, development effectiveness, planning, development policy advisory, strategy formulation and analytical works, leading and managing multi-disciplinary teams etc. The detailed evaluation criterions are stated in the Terms of Reference (TOR)
4. This Request for Proposals includes the following documents:
 This Letter of Invitation;
 The letter of Submission of the Proposal;
 Technical Proposal;
 Financial Proposal;
 Terms of Reference;
 Standard Form of Contract.

6. Your proposal shall comprise your Proposal Submission Form, a Technical Proposal (including curriculum vitae (CV)), a Financial Proposal net of taxes and the signed Statement of Integrity, and must be submitted to: agelgelu@mofed.gov.et with a copy to mezgebua2011@gmail.com, aberag11@gmail.com by addressing to Ministry of Finance (MoF), Channel One programs Coordinating Directorate, MoF main building, sadist Killo, yekatit 12 Square, King George Avenue, 4th Floor, Room no.403, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on or before September 6, 2021 at 3:00pm local time . If necessary, you may request any clarifications by sending an email to the same email address above before August 26, 2021, at 5:00 pm

Yours sincerely,

Terms of Reference and Scope of the Services
The Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor

Organization: FDRE Ministry of Finance
Job code title: Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor
Supervisor: State Minister for External Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Finance
Duration and Type of Assignment: 18 months contract
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Finance formulating economic cooperation policies and strategies, lead and coordinate bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation, and manage partnerships with international and regional organizations. It has the essential role to mobilize, consolidate and blend financial resources from to sustainably finance national development priorities.
As Ethiopia undergoes through an ambitious reform to sustain the socio-economic progress Ethiopia has registered in the past decade and ensure the provision of equitable opportunities to citizens by addressing key macro-economic, structural, sectoral challenges, the ministry requires to establish short and longer-term institutional capacity to deliver the multi-sectoral role it plays in the reform process.
Implementation of the homegrown economic reforms requires nine billion USD in external financing during its three years implementation period. As part of its role to mobilize the required nine billion-plus, the ministry of finance has partnered with different bilateral and multilateral development partners to finance the reform program. The Ministry is now looking to evaluate the performance of this effort and the effectiveness of resource mobilization process, allocation and utilization to identify gaps and improve delivery during the remaining implementation period of the reform.
This TOR defines the role and responsibilities of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor who, Under the supervision of the State Ministry of Finance for Economic Cooperation, will provide the necessary technical advice and policy analysis for the of key reform priorities.
The Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor will develop resource mobilization and partnership-building strategy to implement the home-grown economic reform agenda and provide high-level advisory support to the state minister on debt sustainability, state owned enterprises reforms, and global development financing intelligence.
Duties and Responsibilities
Working with the State minister Finance for Economic Cooperation, the Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor will perform the following specific activities:
 Conduct a situation analysis of the economic reform agenda, resource requirements and resource gap and potential sources of financing to fully implement the program.
 Identify resource mobilization challenges and design an effective resource mobilization strategy with a particular focus on priority reform agenda.
 In coordination with the technical director of the AFD TA support program, assess the current debt situation, its maturity structure, and Identify vulnerabilities in the debt structure or the policy framework and design strategies to sustainably manage debt;
 In coordination with the technical director of the AFD TA support program, Identify and assess market competition constraints, rapid assessment tools and quantitative and qualitative analytical methods to evaluate the performance of state-owned enterprises and state-owned corporations identified for privatization; hence to generate maximum premium.
 Identify opportunities to secure additional resource for traditional and non-traditional sources through innovative financing mechanisms to finance the Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda;
 Prepare activity reports on a quarterly basis to be communicated to the Economic Reforms Monitoring Committee of the AFD TA Program to support economic reforms, chaired by the Ministry of Finance. The report should include the progress made (main activities performed during the quarter), challenges encountered (technical or administrative), solutions found or envisaged, main activities/objectives to be achieved in the next quarter, and any other relevant information as may be requested by the Committee.
 Coordinate with the Technical Director of the AFD TA program to support economic reforms to avoid duplication between different components of the TA program and share relevant information to the achievement of the objectives of the program and of the reforms.

Key Performance Indicators
 Resource mobilization and partnership building targets for the HGER agenda clearly worked out and implemented;
 Quality inputs to resource mobilization strategy and timely support to the State Minister for External Economic Cooperation provided;
 Contribution to strengthening institutional resource mobilization and partnership building capacity of the Ministry of Finance.
Required Education, Experience and Competence:
At least a Master’s Degree qualifications in Economics, Development Policy, International Relations, Development Studies or related filed.
Technical and Functional Experience:
 Senior professional with at least 8 years of experience in the field of resource mobilization, partnership management, Development effectiveness, planning, or public finance
 Demonstrated ability and experience in partnership building, negotiations and resource mobilization;
 Experience in development policy advisory, strategy formulation and analytical work;
 Experience in leading and managing a multi-disciplinary team;
 Multicultural, gender and political sensitivity to the staff, stakeholders and target beneficiaries with a positive mindset.
 Excellent interpersonal/communication and networking skills, as well as writing skills;
 Computer literacy is essential;
 Innovative thinking, resourcefulness, a proactive approach and a team player.
Functional Competencies:
Development and Operational Effectiveness
 Ability to lead strategy design, KPIs formulation and results-based management;
 Advanced knowledge of result-based management;
 Ability to implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change;
 Energetic, efficient and considerate in the use of resources, reliable and able to act quickly.
Management and Leadership
 Builds strong relationships with partners, focuses on impact and result for the partner and responds positively to feedback;
 Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
 Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
 Strong Consensus building and conflict resolution skills;
 Willing and able to guide, support and mentor others in the performance of their duties.
Knowledge Management and Learning
 Promotes knowledge management in the Ministry of Finance and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
 Actively works to transfer knowledge and experience to colleagues.
Language skills
(i) Proficient in oral and written English; (ii) Fluent in oral and written Amharic (iii) Additional language skills are an asset.
Duration of Assignment
The duration of the position for the Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Advisor will be for 18 months. The contract will be signed for a year subjected to extension based on performance and availability of resource
Evaluation Criteria/selection criteria
The following criteria shall be used to select candidates:
• General qualification and relevant training of the candidates (25 points)
• Relevant Specific experience of the candidates related to the assignment (45 points)
• Adequate knowledge , and understanding in partnership building, negotiations, and resource mobilization; lead strategy design, KPIs formulation and results-based management, in implementation of new system , KPI formulation and RBM (15 points)
• Skills and competency –language (Proficient in oral and written English; (ii) Fluent in oral and written Amharic , (15 points) interpersonal/communication and networking skills, as well as writing , Computer literacy , Innovative thinking, resourcefulness, a proactive approach, and a team player Multicultural, gender and political sensitivity etc

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