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Consultancy Services for Detailed Design, Tender Documentation, ESIA/RAP and Construction Supervision for Water and Sanitation Works in the Nairobi Informal Settlements (EXPIRED)

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Kenya
Ville/Localité:   Nairobi, Kenya
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   AWWDA/AFD/NWSP/CS-04/2021
Date de publication:   Oct 22, 2021
Date limite (heure locale):   Octobre 26, 2021 - 12:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   KENYA - Athi Water Works Development Agency
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted demonstrating:-
a. Presentation of the Consultancy firm: general presentation, scope of activities, financial data (sales figure, etc.) for the past 3 years, description of human resources, organogram, etc.
b. Similarity of the experiences based on:
• The contracts size;
• The nature of the Services: Experience on similar projects during the last 10 years. Similar projects include preliminary & detailed designs, design review, social/environmental safeguards implementation, preparation of tender documents and works supervision for water supply and sanitation interventions in the informal settlements and coordination and supervision of construction of last mile connections in the informal setllements set up.
• The location: Experience in East Africa during the last 10 years
• Experience on donor funded projects.
c. Availlability of the technical expertise: Presence of appropriate skills among staff. The Consultant will provide information (sample CVs or synopsis) for potential involvement of following staffs (not limited to), bearing in mind that other individuals may be presented at bidding stage: Team Leader (Water and Sewerage Specialist), Civil Engineer – (Water Design Engineer), Civil Engineer – Sewerage Expert, Environmental Health and Safety Expert, 2No , Engineering Surveyor , Resident Engineer, Land Economist, Architect, Deputy Resident Engineer (1) – Water, Deputy Resident Engineer (2) –Sanitation
Permanent staff of the Consulting firm will be favored for Key Staff. Potential backstopping support should also be described.
d. Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant (ISO 9001 and/or environmental and social certification)
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Michael Thuita
Chief Executive Officer
Athi Water Works Development Agency
P.O. Box 45283
Athi Water Plaza
Nairobi, Nairobi 00100
Téléphone:   0202724292
Fax:   +254 020 2724295
Adresse électronique :   info@awsboard.go.ke
Site Web:   http://www.awwda.go.ke



Texte original

Credit No. CKE 1135 01H
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design, Tender Documentation, ESIA/RAP and Construction Supervision for Water and Sanitation Works in the Nairobi Informal Settlements

1. The Athi Water Works Development Agency, a state corporation under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation (MWS&I), has received financing from Agence Française de Développement ("AFD"), towards the cost of the Nairobi Water and Sanitation Project, and intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments under the following services: Consultancy Services for Detailed Design, Tender Documentation, ESIA/RAP and Construction Supervision for Water and Sanitation Works in the Nairobi Informal Settlements, Contract No. AWWDA/AFD/NWSP/CS-04/2021.

2. The Services of the consultant shall consist of the following;
a) Prepare a database of the water and sanitation actors/players in the informal settlements
b) Provide a Conditional Assessment of the past works undertaken by AWWDA
c) Assess the water and sanitation interventions undertaken by private operators including impacts and options for scale up and prepare a collaborative framework
d) Evaluate options for faecal sludge management and climate change adaptability
e) Identify suitable sites for construction of Ablution blocks, Prepaid Water Dispensers and other Water and Sanitation Interventions as agreed
f) Prepare detailed designs for the Proposed Water and Sanitation Interventions including last mile connections and proposals for climate change adaptability activities. The available budget for the works in the informal settlements is Ksh 950 Million.
g) Acquire the required Construction approvals from relevant Authorities
h) Prepare Tender documents for the works and support in procurement of Works Contractor
i) Undertake community sensitization and promotion of Water and Sanitation services uptake by the community.
j) Prepare a last mile water and sanitation connections assessment report
k) Prepare and implement Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Livelihood restoration plan (LRP).
l) Undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed works, prepare ESIA Reports and obtain the requisite National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) License on behalf of the client.
m) Fulfill the role of the Engineer’s Representative and carry out construction supervision including implementation of C-ESMP/RAP/LRP
n) Undertake a Special study for water and sanitation improvements to the Kibera Informal Settlement and prepare a Masterplan
o) Coordinate the process of identifying, selecting, training and capacity Building of the CBO’s to be tasked to manage the developed Water and Sanitation Infrastructure.
The Water and Sanitation Interventions target to serve at least 500,000 people in the indicative priority areas of Mji wa Huruma; Kirigu; Motherland; Matopeni; Kamola; Kawangare Soko and 56; Big 4 IS interventions (Kiambiu, Mariguini, Kibera Zone C & D).
3. The Athi Water Works Development Agency hereby invites Applicants to express their interest in delivering the Services described above. This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to: Consultant Firms

4. Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.

5. In order to confirm eligibility for AFD financing, interested firms shall submit (as part of the expression of interest) a duly signed ‘statement of integrity’ which is appended to this REOI and can be downloaded from www.awwda.go.ke .

6. The Applicant shall submit only one application, either in its own name or as a member of a Joint Venture (JV). If an Applicant (including any JV member) submits or participates in more than one application, those applications shall be all rejected. However, the same Subconsultant may participate in several applications. If the Applicant is a JV, the expression of interest shall include:
 a copy of the JV Agreement entered into by all members,
 a letter of intent to execute a JV Agreement, signed by all members together with a copy of the Agreement proposal,
In the absence of this document, the other members will be considered as Subconsultants. Experiences and qualifications of Subconsultants are not taken into account in the evaluation of the applications.
The attention of interested consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.2.3 of AFD’s Procurement Guidelines, setting forth AFD’s policy on conflict of interest.
7. Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted demonstrating:-
a. Presentation of the Consultancy firm: general presentation, scope of activities, financial data (sales figure, etc.) for the past 3 years, description of human resources, organogram, etc.
b. Similarity of the experiences based on:
• The contracts size;
• The nature of the Services: Experience on similar projects during the last 10 years. Similar projects include preliminary & detailed designs, design review, social/environmental safeguards implementation, preparation of tender documents and works supervision for water supply and sanitation interventions in the informal settlements and coordination and supervision of construction of last mile connections in the informal setllements set up.
• The location: Experience in East Africa during the last 10 years
• Experience on donor funded projects.
c. Availlability of the technical expertise: Presence of appropriate skills among staff. The Consultant will provide information (sample CVs or synopsis) for potential involvement of following staffs (not limited to), bearing in mind that other individuals may be presented at bidding stage: Team Leader (Water and Sewerage Specialist), Civil Engineer – (Water Design Engineer), Civil Engineer – Sewerage Expert, Environmental Health and Safety Expert, 2No , Engineering Surveyor , Resident Engineer, Land Economist, Architect, Deputy Resident Engineer (1) – Water, Deputy Resident Engineer (2) –Sanitation
Permanent staff of the Consulting firm will be favored for Key Staff. Potential backstopping support should also be described.
d. Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant (ISO 9001 and/or environmental and social certification)

8. Among the submitted applications, Athi Water Works Development Agency will shortlist a maximum of six (6) Applicants, to whom the Request for Proposals to carry out the Services shall be sent. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Guidelines.
9. Due to the security risk in some of the areas where the Services are to be performed, the evaluation of Expressions of Interest will verify that the applications meet the following criteria:
• The Applicant has at least one experience providing services in an area with a similar security risk, for which it shall provide proof of implementation of security measures (invoice or contract with a security service provider, proof of security awareness training before departure on-site, etc.).
• The Applicant has set up internal security management procedures: it shall provide a description of its monitoring system and crisis management system.
• For services provided abroad, the Applicant has entered into an assistance and repatriation contract for its employees: it shall provide the certificate evidencing such contract.
• The Applicant shall describe its standard preparation process for departure on assignment in sensitive areas, and shall attach documents proving its implementation (service orders with related instructions, certificates of awareness-raising or training actions, etc.).
For a JV, its leader and any member that has its registered office outside the Client's country shall fulfil each of these criteria. An application that does not meet any of these requirements will be rejected.

10. Expressions of interest must be delivered in written form to the address below in person (hardcopy and flash disk) or by email (in PDF format, maximum size 15MB) no later than 26th October 2021 at 1200 hours East African Time; clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for Detailed Design, Tender Documentation, ESIA/RAP and Construction Supervision for Water and Sanitation Works in the Nairobi Informal Settlements, Contract No. AWWDA/AFD/NWSP/CS-04/2021”. Acknowledgement of receipt of applications received by email will be provided.
11. Interested Applicants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 0800 to 1700 hours from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1300 to 1400 hours and public holidays).
The Chief Executive Officer,
Athi Water Works Development Agency,
Ground Floor,Athi Water Plaza
Muthaiga North Road, Off Kiambu Road
P.O. Box 45283-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: 254 020 2724292/3
Fax: 254 020 27224295
Email: info@awwda.go.ke

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