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Request of Proposals for Supply of Non-medical Equipment and Related Services for the Hospital Geral da Beira, in Sofala Province – Mozambique (EXPIRED)

Appel d'offres

Informations générales

Pays:   Mozambique
Ville/Localité:   City of Beira, Sofala Province
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   Tender No: 21/AFD & ORIO/DA/MISAU/2022
Date de publication:   Jun 7, 2022
Date limite (heure locale):   Août 5, 2022 - 14:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   MOZAMBIQUE - Ministère de la Santé
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   4.1 General requirements
Ability to become a contractual partner: Must meet requirements / Each partner must meet requirements.
Authorization to represent the Company or JV: Must meet the requirement / Each partner must meet the requirement
Financial guarantee to keep to the conditions offered in the Bid: Must meet the requirement / The members combined must meet the requirement.

4.2 Financial requirements
Balance Sheets and accounting Statements of the last three (3) fiscal years, pursuant to the law of the country of incorporation of the company, to demonstrate the strength of the current financial performance of the Bidder: Must meet the requirement / Each partner must meet the requirement.
Average annual turnover required of at least 50,000 EURO in the last three (3) years. Form QUAL-7 sustained by the respective financial statements for the last three (3) financial years (2017, 2018, 2019): Must meet the requirement / The members combined must meet the requirement.

4.3 Relevant experience
Relevant experience in similar activities in the past ten (10) years: supply of non-medical equipment to a hospital, hospitality building, or similar: Must meet the requirement / At least one partner must meet the requirement.
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Joaquim Mario Selemane
Head of Department
MOH of Mozambique - Department of Acquisition (DA)
Avenida Salvador Allende/Eduardo Mondlane, 1008, R/C
Maputo, Maputo 264
Téléphone:   (+258) 843894650
Fax:   (+258) 843014451
Adresse électronique :   misau_afdorio@misau.gov.mz
Site Web:   www.misau.gov.mz

Marchandises, Travaux et Services


Texte original

Request of Proposal for Supply of Goods and Related Services for the Hospital Geral da Beira, in Sofala Province – Mozambique
Financing Mode: Credit Convention No AFD 1120 01 B / Donation No ORIO 10/MZ/22 I / Budget of State
1. The Government of Mozambique has received co-financing from the French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement, AFD) and from the Dutch Government through the ORIO Infrastructure Development Programme, and intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments under the Project for Construction, Equipment, and Operation of two Level II Hospitals in Sofala, and intends to apply part of the funds to cover the cost of contracts for the Supply of Goods and Related Services for Beira General Hospital, in Sofala Province - Mozambique.
2. The Ministry of Health of Mozambique (MoH) hereby invites eligible bidders to present their proposals for the Supply of Non-medical Equipment and Related Services.
3. Bidders may examine the Tender Document at MoH on http://afd.dgmarket.com or www.misau.gov.mz and purchase a digital copy at the address indicated in number 9 of this announcement. The payment of a non-refundable fee in the amount of 3.500,00 MT (50,00 EUR), shall be made to the following bank account:
Conta No 10.22.9427.10.001
MISAU – DAF / Juros e Cadernos de Encargos
NIB: 000800001022942710180
IBAN: MZ59 000800001022942710180
4. To purchase the Tender Document, Bidders must submit a formal letter with information about their Company, including the physical address, e-mail, and valid telephone contacts. The MoH will not be responsible for Bidding information not received by the Bidders, due to lack of its information.
5. Bidder from aboard must purchase the Tender Document through the payment process described above, and MoH will send the Tender Document in “PDF” electronic format through e-mail to the address provided by the bidders, upon the presentation of proof of payment and under Bidder’s entire responsibility.
6. Bidders must attend the Pre-Conference meeting (virtual meeting) to be held at 09:30 AM, on 22nd June 2022, through ZOOM PLATFORM. The link to access the meeting will be previously provided to the Bidders at their e-mail addresses.
7. The hardy copies and a soft copy of the proposals must be submitted to the address below, before 02:00 PM of 05th August 2022. The Bidders must also send a complete electronic copy to the following e-mail addresses: HGB_equipment@ampc.nl and misau_afdorio@misau.gov.mz. Proposals submitted by fax will not be considered.
8. Proposals will be valid for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after their opening and must be accompanied by a Provisional Guarantee of 10,000.00 EUR (Ten thousand Euros) or equivalent in local currency (MZM) or US Dollar Americans (USD).
9. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend, at 02:30 PM of 05th August 2022, at the address below:
Ministério da Saúde
Departamento de Aquisições (DA)
Av. Eduardo Mondlane, 1008, R/C
Tel.: (+258) 21 306 620/4; (+258) 21 305 593
Cel.: (+258) 84 389 4650; (+258) 84 301 4451
10. The Tender will be governed by the Guidelines for Procurement of Contracts financed by AFD in foreign countries (version Oct.19) as provided for in the “Regime Especial”, adopted for the Project.
Maputo, 09th June 2022
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