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Ethiopia Electric Power Headquarter Building Construction (EXPIRED)

Avis de Présélection

Informations générales

Pays:   Éthiopie
Date de publication:   Jun 8, 2022
Date limite (heure locale):   Juillet 1, 2022 - 16:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   Ethiopian Electric Power
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Prequalification is open to Contractors and voluntarily formed joint ventures and consortia (with a maximum of three Contractors per joint venture or consortium) that can fulfill the requirements of prequalification, including, but not limited to, possession of the experience, expertise, resources and financial capability to undertake the construction and completion of the whole of the project.

One of the minimum requirements for prequalification will be the execution of works of similar nature and volume over the last ten years, either as a main contractor or as a joint venture with others.
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Kefyalew Mergiya
Director, EEP Procurement
Ethiopian Electric Power
Kirkos Sub city, Woreda 06
Téléphone:   +251924402721
Adresse électronique :   kefyalewmergiya2127@gmail.com

Marchandises, Travaux et Services


Texte original

Invitation for Prequalification

Project: Ethiopia Electric Power Headquarter’s Building Project

Date: 03 June, 2022

1. Ethiopia Electric Power (hereinafter called the “Employer”), is inviting contracting firms specializing in commercial construction projects to apply for prequalification to tender for the the design and construction of Ethiopia Electric Power Headquarters, Addis Ababa-Ethiopia under an EPC form of contract (hereinafter called the “Works”).

2. The Employer intends to construct its high-rise Headquarters (HQ) as an energy efficient and sustainable green building which will be iconic and portray the industry's and Country's responsibility towards protecting the environment. The tower will be housed on a plot size of 20,792 m2 through a Design and Build delivery system in the Financial District of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

3. The Employer has assigned Dar al-Handasah (Shair & Partners) as the design, and construction supervision consultant (hereinafter called the “Consultant”)

4. The building consists of 62 floors with a total built-up area of 197,800 m2, and the main components of the Works are as follows:

• Basements 1-3: Parking spaces, MEP Rooms
• Podium Levels:
o Ground Floor: EEP Office Lobby, Commercial Offices Lobby, Retail Spaces, services
o First Floor: Retail Spaces, services
• Tower levels 1 to 55: Office spaces, sky gardens, services
• Tower level #56: Sky Garden , Technical Floor
• Tower level #57: Restaurant

5. You are kindly requested to provide information on your entity and its capabilities/potential in respect of the construction of the Works as outlined in accordance with the requirement of this letter and the following enclosed documents:

 Application for Prequalification of Contracting Contractors for Ethiopia Electric Power Headquarters Building Project, Addis Ababa-Ethiopia.

6. Prequalification is open to Contractors and voluntarily formed joint ventures and consortia (with a maximum of three Contractors per joint venture or consortium) that can fulfill the requirements of prequalification, including, but not limited to, possession of the experience, expertise, resources and financial capability to undertake the construction and completion of the whole of the project.

7. One of the minimum requirements for prequalification will be the execution of works of similar nature and volume over the last ten years, either as a main contractor or as a joint venture with others.

8. The prequalification document may be purchased by interested Applicants upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ethiopian Birr Two Thousand Five Hundred Birr (ETB 2,600.00) or USD 50.00 or its equivalent in anyfreely convertible currency from the Ethiopian Electric Power, Procurement office. The method of payment shall be in cash or cashier’s check or through telegraphic transfer to EEP Transmission Construction A/C No. 1000252665203, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia(CBE), Arada Giorgis Branch, Swift Code: CBETETAA; AND EEP BUMBUNA HPP A/C No. 0101181300051, National Bank Of Ethiopia (NBE) Swift Code: NBETETAA, for ETB and Foreign Currency Account respectively starting from 03 June, 2022.

9. Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below on or before 4:00 PM, Local time on 1 July, 2022 and be clearly marked “Prequalification Documents for Ethiopia Electric Power Headquarters Building Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”

For the hardcopy, the address is:

Attention: Mr. Kefyalew Mergiya
Director, EEP Procurement
Ethiopian Electric Power /EEP/
Located around Mexico square, K Kare Center
Procurement Office, First Floor,
Tel: +251-115-580597/0781
Electronic mail address: kmergiya@yahoo.com
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

10. The Applicant may send its application document(PDF or any readable word version) by email. Soft copies documents shall be sent to the email: kalayou.haddis@gmail.com or Hussenadem377@gmail.com

11. After the evaluation for your documented response, successful applicants will be advised of their inclusion in the list of Tenderers.

You are requested to confirm the receipt and acceptance or otherwise of the Invitation and to submit your response no later than 7 days to the attention of Mr. Kefyalew Mergiya.

By accepting this Invitation, it is implied that you agree to:

 Hold confidential all the contents and information of this prequalification, not disclosing to any person or body not involved or required for input to your response, and in each case only for the purpose of your submission.

 Adhere to all the terms & conditions of this document and all the annexures attached.

Any deviation from the requirements stated in the prequalification documents may render your submission invalid. If you have any queries in relation to the prequalification process or any of the prequalification documents, please contact by the above mentioned address.

Please note that this Prequalification is not a contractual offer or invitation by the Employer or the Consultant to any party. The Employer has the sole and absolute discretion to select the company(ies) that will move forward to the tendering stage without having to justify or give reasons for any selection or rejection, and is not responsible for any cost and expense incurred by any party in relation to this prequalification.

12. EEP reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to annul the prequalification process and reject all Applications at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to Applicants.
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