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Selection of independent power producers for two 30MWac solar photovoltaic power plants (EXPIRED)

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Mozambique
Ville/Localité:   Province of Tete and province of Niassa
Date de publication:   Jan 31, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Février 17, 2023 - 10:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   MOZAMBIQUE - Autoridade Reguladora de Energia (Arene)
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Rua dos Desportistas numero 480, 5 andar
Téléphone:   0025820606720
Adresse électronique :   concurso-proler@arene.org.mz



Dossier d'appel d'offres et documents joints

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Texte original

Promoção de Leilões de Energias Renováveis
Solar Photovoltaic IPP Project in Mozambique
Maputo, 8 November 2022
1. On September 30, 2020, the Government of Mozambique launched Programa de Promoção de Leilões de Energias Renováveis (Promotion of Renewable Energy Auction Programme or PROLER), which will contribute to the increase of power generation capacity and to the diversification of energy sources, and give priority to competitive and transparent tender procedures for the selection of private investors with the required level of technical and financial capacities and interest in the development of projects of renewable energy generation, leading to the choice of least-cost solutions for customers.
2. The Government of Mozambique has received funds from the European Union (EU) through Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) to support the PROLER Pro¬gram which aims at selecting Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for solar photovoltaic and wind projects with a total capacity of around 120 MW.
3. In order to select experienced and qualified private investors to develop, finance, design, construct, operate and maintain two solar photovoltaic power plants, one in Manje (30MWac), Province of Tete, and one in Chimbunila (30MWac), Province of Niassa, (each of which is considered a “Lot” and both constitute the “Project”), the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy of Mozambique (MIREME), trough the Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE), now invites Applicants meeting the prequalification criteria detailed in the Prequalification Documents to submit their Applications.
4. Applicants and further Prequalified Bidders, can apply for one specific Lot or for both Lots of the Project. In case an Applicant has interest in applying for both Lots, it shall submit a specific Application and meet the prequalification criteria for each Lot.
5. The selection of the Preferred Bidders will be made through a competitive tender with prequa-lification, where ARENE will act in the capacity of the Procuring Authority. Preliminary information related to the PROLER programme is provided in Part II of Prequalification Documents. It is expected that Invitations for Bids will be issued during the 1st quarter of 2023 to prequalified Applicants. It will further define the scope of the Project and include strong requirements regarding local participation
6. Applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope before 17th January 2023 at 10:00 am (Maputo time), at the address mentioned below:
Autoridade Reguladora de Energia – ARENE
Departamento de Aquisições
Rua dos Desportistas nº 480, 5º Andar
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: +258 20606720/21
e-mail: concurso-proler@arene.org.mz
7. Interested Applicants may obtain information and the complete set of Prequalification Documents, either physically at ARENE´s offices in the address indicated above, from Monday to Friday and during the normal working hours, or on the submission of an email to the e-mail account concurso-proler@arene.org.mz. The submission of the complete set of Prequalification Documents is subject to the payment of a non-refundable fee of 20,000,00 MT (twenty thousand Meticais) or the equivalent in USD. Payment must be made by deposit or bank transfer to the following bank account:
Account Number 1687761310003 Account Number 1687761310001
NIB 0008 000016877613103 74 NIB 0008 000016877613101 80
IBAN MZ590008 000016877613103 74 IBAN MZ590008 000016877613101 80
8. The following e-mail address - concurso-proler@arene.org.mz – will also serve for all communications with the Applicants (including the clarification requests regarding the Prequalification Documents and the Prequalification Process).
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