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Design Review & Supervision Consultancy Services for Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment (EXPIRED)

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Bangladesh
Ville/Localité:   Chattogram
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   Package No. CMSP-5/S1
Date de publication:   Mai 31, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Juin 21, 2023 - 14:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   BANGLADESH - Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Interested Applicants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short-listing criteria are:
(a) Presentation of the Consultancy firm: general presentation/experience, scope of activities, description of human resources, organogram etc.;
(b) Experience in similar projects of compatible size, complexity and technical speciality in the required area. Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
(i) The contracts size;
(ii) The nature of the Services: experience in the last 10 years in the following technical area and expertise:
• detailed design of sewerage networks;
• implementation of E&S safeguards, notably Resettlement Action Plan and Income & Livelihood Restoration Plan;
• works supervision for sewerage networks, tunneling works and sewage treatment plants with biological process;
• community support for informal sectors structuration (references in on-site sanitation sector would be a plus);
• financial analysis in the water / sanitation sector, social surveys, setting-up small-scale PPPs with national entrepreneurs;
(iii) The location: experience in South Asia in the water & sanitation sector or for design and works supervision of water & sanitation infrastructures in the last 10 years.

(c) Financial soundness of the firm; and
(d) Staffing and logistics of the firm: presence of appropriate skills among permanent staff / Skills and availability of in-house technical back-up experts provided to the on-site experts. Applicants should be aware that permanent staff of the Consulting Firm / JV members will be favored for Key Staff at bidding (RFP) stage;
(e) Local representatives/partners;
(f) Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant;

(g) Due to the security risk in the areas where the Services are to be performed, the evaluation of Expressions of Interest will verify that the applications meet the following criteria:
 The Applicant has at least one experience providing services in an area with a similar security risk, for which it shall provide proof of implementation of security measures (invoice or contract with a security service provider, proof of security awareness training before departure on-site, etc.).
 The Applicant has set up internal security management procedures: it shall provide a description of its monitoring system and crisis management system.
 For services provided abroad, the Applicant has entered into an assistance and repatriation contract for its employees: it shall provide the certificate evidencing such contract.
 The Applicant shall describe its standard preparation process for departure on assignment in sensitive areas, and shall attach documents proving its implementation (service orders with related instructions, certificates of awareness-raising or training actions, etc.)
For a JV, its leader and any member that has its registered office outside the Client's country shall fulfil each of these criteria.
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Superintending Engineer ( Planning & Construction)
Chattogram WASA Head Office Building, Room No. 311, Dampara, M.M. Ali Road, Chattogram
Chattogram 4203
Téléphone:   +88-031-614322
Adresse électronique :   ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Site Web:   http://www.ctg-wasa.org.bd



Texte original

Memo No. : 46.06.0000.302.007.18.2023- 252 , Date: 31.05.2023

Addendum Notice: Closing Date Extension

The following corrections for extension of submission deadline have been made in the respective Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) of Package No. CMSP-5/S1 (REoI Ref. No. 46.06.0000.302.007.18.2023-238, Dated: 03.05.2023). In this connection, Para 12 of the REoI will be superseded with the following:
“12. Expression of Interest must be delivered to the address below by 21st June, 2023 at 1400 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) either physically (in person or by mail) or electronic mail (in PDF format, maximum 20 MB). Acknowledgement of receipt of applications received by email will be provided. Chattogram WASA will not be responsible for any delay in submission including delay due to postal or any other reason. The Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications either in part or in full without assigning any reason, whatsoever.”

The other provision of the REoI remains unchanged.

(Mohammed Ariful Islam)
Superintending Engineer (Planning and Construction )
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

Memo no. 46.06.0000.302.007.18.2023-238, Dated: 03.05.2023

Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) for Design Review & Supervision Consultancy Services for Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment
(Package No. CMSP-5/S1)


1. The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) ) is in the process of receiving a credit from Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") towards the cost of “Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment” to be implemented by Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA), an Autonomous entity of the GOB. CWASA intends to apply a part of the proceeds of this fund to pay against Design Review & Supervision Consultancy services for Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment (the Project).
2. The project includes construction of sewerage system and wastewater treatment infrastructure for the North Kattoli catchment located in the north-west part of Chattogram city. It also includes Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) facilities including on-site sanitation improvement wherever a sewerage facility cannot be provided. It assists CWASA to structure the Capacity Development Roadmap for Sewerage Management & FSM and capacity strengthening of the institutional context as well as the internal CWASA operational competency and support to project management and construction supervision.

3. The main objectives of the proposed consulting services are to: (a) carry out design review and Tender Documents preparation for Sewerage network and on-site sanitation facilities; (b) review of (and as the case may be, update of) Preliminary Design and Tender Documents for Sewage Treatment Plant and conveyance tunnel; (c) assist CWASA during procurement of contractors selection process; and (d) review of contractors’ design, perform coordination, supervision and contract management duties up to final acceptance after Defect Liability Period for the execution of all interventions necessary for efficient sewage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal system as well as separate collection and transportation of faecal sludge/septage and improvement of on site sanitation within North Kattoli Catchment Area of Chattogram Metropolitan.
4. The scope of the services to be undertaken shall cover all but not limited to the activities mentioned in key objectives of the consulting services outlined above. Although main scope of this consultancy services are to:
(i) Carry out review of preliminary design and Tender Documents preparation for:
• On-site sanitation facilities.
• Sewerage network (93 km, DN200 to DN1200, approximately 8,100 domestic/non domestic connections).
(ii) Review of (and as the case may be, update of) Preliminary Design and Tender Documents for:
• Conveyance tunnel (5 km, DN800 & DN1400).
• Sewage treatment plant (50,000 m3/d, low-load activated sludge).
(iii) Carry out detailed technical / economical study for final sludge disposal;
(iv) Update of Environmental & Social (E&S) safeguard documents, as the case may be;
(v) Assistance to CWASA during procurement of works contractors (2 main contracts, each yellow FIDIC type, Initial Selection will have been completed prior to appointment of Consultant);
(vi) Supervision and contract management up to final acceptance after Defect Liability Period of all construction works (on-site sanitation, sewerage network, tunnel, sewage treatment plant) and supply of goods, including:
• implementation of E&S safeguard documents: Construction E&S Management Plan, Resettlement Action Plan, Income & Livelihood Restoration Plan, Gender Action Plan.
• coordination with other project stakeholders and support to CWASA in securing works approvals from local authorities.
(vii) Implementation of the Faecal Sludge Management Strategy.
(viii) Assistance to CWASA for claims management and during taking-over & final commissioning.
(ix) On-the-job training to CWASA counterpart staff during project implementation and transfer of knowledge.
These services are estimated to correspond to a total of approximately 47 man-months of Key Experts for the design review & procurement phase, and 448 man-months of Key Experts for the supervision phase.

5. The Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) hereby invites eligible Applicants to indicate their interest in delivering the services described above. This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to :
Joint Venture between NGO(s) and consulting firm(s)

6. Interested Applicants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short-listing criteria are:
(a) Presentation of the Consultancy firm: general presentation/experience, scope of activities, description of human resources, organogram etc.;
(b) Experience in similar projects of compatible size, complexity and technical speciality in the required area. Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
(i) The contracts size;
(ii) The nature of the Services: experience in the last 10 years in the following technical area and expertise:
• detailed design of sewerage networks;
• implementation of E&S safeguards, notably Resettlement Action Plan and Income & Livelihood Restoration Plan;
• works supervision for sewerage networks, tunneling works and sewage treatment plants with biological process;
• community support for informal sectors structuration (references in on-site sanitation sector would be a plus);
• financial analysis in the water / sanitation sector, social surveys, setting-up small-scale PPPs with national entrepreneurs;
(iii) The location: experience in South Asia in the water & sanitation sector or for design and works supervision of water & sanitation infrastructures in the last 10 years.
(c) Financial soundness of the firm; and
(d) Staffing and logistics of the firm: presence of appropriate skills among permanent staff / Skills and availability of in-house technical back-up experts provided to the on-site experts. Applicants should be aware that permanent staff of the Consulting Firm / JV members will be favored for Key Staff at bidding (RFP) stage;
(e) Local representatives/partners;
(f) Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant;
(g) Due to the security risk in the areas where the Services are to be performed, the evaluation of Expressions of Interest will verify that the applications meet the following criteria:
 The Applicant has at least one experience providing services in an area with a similar security risk, for which it shall provide proof of implementation of security measures (invoice or contract with a security service provider, proof of security awareness training before departure on-site, etc.).
 The Applicant has set up internal security management procedures: it shall provide a description of its monitoring system and crisis management system.
 For services provided abroad, the Applicant has entered into an assistance and repatriation contract for its employees: it shall provide the certificate evidencing such contract.
 The Applicant shall describe its standard preparation process for departure on assignment in sensitive areas, and shall attach documents proving its implementation (service orders with related instructions, certificates of awareness-raising or training actions, etc.)
For a JV, its leader and any member that has its registered office outside the Client's country shall fulfil each of these criteria.

7. Applicants are requested to submit the following supporting documents in support of the above-mentioned criteria:
(a) Registration paper of the firm(s); (b) JV agreement/letter of intent (if applicable); (c) Background of the Firm(s) with brochures etc; (d) Annual Turnover of the firms for the last three years along with audit report; (e) Service experience record in relation to section 6.(b) above (including nature, total cost, total input in terms of man month, employer, location of service etc.); (f) Information on local representatives/partners; (g) the type or the label of the certification, for example, ISO 9001 or environmental and social certification; and (i) Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility as described in Appendix to this Request for Expressions of Interest.
8. The attention of interested Applicants is drawn to eligibility criteria specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries-October 2019", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.
9. Other essential information:
Applicants may associate to enhance their qualification, but should mention whether the association is in the form of a “joint-venture” or of “sub-consultancy”. In the absence of this document, the other members will be considered as Sub-consultants. In the case of an association, all members of such “association” should have real and well-defined inputs to the assignment and in such "association"; this may be described in the above mentioned JVA/letter of intent. It is preferable to limit the total number of firms including the associates to a maximum of four. The Applicant shall submit only one application, either in its own name or as a member of a Joint Venture (JV). If an Applicant (including any JV member) submits or participates in more than one application, those applications shall be all rejected. However, the same Sub-consultant may participate in several applications. Experiences and qualifications of Subconsultants are not taken into account in the evaluation of the applications.
10. Among the submitted applications, CWASA will shortlist a maximum of six (6) Applicants, to whom the Request for Proposals to carry out the Services shall be sent. An applicant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries-October 2019, available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.
11. Interested Applicants may obtain further information from the address below during during regular office hours from 0900 to 1600 hours Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6 hours) on all working days (Sunday to Thursday) except government holidays and the intending entities may contact for any clarification and background information at the address given below. This REOI Notice is also available in the web address: www.ctg-wasa.org.bd; www.cptu.gov.bd, and https://afd.dgmarket.com
12. Expression of Interest must be delivered to the address below by 4th June, 2023 at 1400 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) either physically (in person or by mail) or electronic mail (in PDF format, maximum 20 MB). Acknowledgement of receipt of applications received by email will be provided. Chattogram WASA will not be responsible for any delay in submission including delay due to postal or any other reason. The Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications either in part or in full without assigning any reason, whatsoever.

Attention: Mohammed Ariful Islam
Superintending Engineer (Planning & Construction)
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Chattogram WASA Bhaban, 2nd Floor (Room no. 311), Dampara, Chattogram
Tel: +88-031-614322
E-mail: ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Website: http://ctg-wasa.org.bd

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