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Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan (EXPIRED)

Appel d'offres

Informations générales

Pays:   Bangladesh
Ville/Localité:   Chattogram
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   Package No. : CMSP-5/W1
Date de publication:   Jul 4, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Juillet 16, 2023 - 13:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   BANGLADESH - Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   As mentioned in Initial Selection Documents
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Superintending Engineer ( Planning & Construction)
Chattogram WASA Head Office Building, Room No. 311, Dampara, M.M. Ali Road, Chattogram
Chattogram 4203
Téléphone:   +88-031-614322
Adresse électronique :   ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Site Web:   http://www.ctg-wasa.org.bd

Marchandises, Travaux et Services


Texte original

Memo No. : 46.06.0000.302.007.19.2023-263 , Date: 03.07.2023

Details of amendments

Addendum Notice 2 : Corrections/modifications to the Initial Selection Documents

The following corrections have been made in the respective Invitation for Initial Selection & Initial Selection document of Package No. CMSP-5/W1 (Invitation Ref. No. 46.06.0000.302.007.19.2023-240, Date: 09.05.2023). In this connection-
a) Criteria 4.2.1 Contracts for Works: Design and Build of STP of the Initial Selection Document will be superseded with the following:

“Minimum of three (3) Design and Build contracts, each of minimum value of Thirty million EUROS (30,000,000 EUR).
Each of the contracts required above shall meet the following minimum key requirements:
-Design and construction of Sewage Treatment with a capacity of at least thirty Thousand (30,000 m3/d) cubic meter per day including Activated Sludge Treatment and at least one contract requiring specialized foundation works (deep foundations, ground improvement, etc.) .
At least one contract should be outside of the contractor’s country of incorporation with similar climatic and geological conditions”

b) Criteria 4.2.2 Contracts for Works: Design and Build of micro tunneling/pipe jacking for installation of trunk sewer of the Initial Selection Document will be superseded with the following:

“Minimum of two (2) design and build contracts, each of minimum value of ten million Euros (10,000,000 Euros)
Each of the contracts required above shall meet the following minimum key requirements:
Experience in micro tunneling/pipe jacking for reinforced concrete/glass fiber reinforced pipes (GRP)/any other pipes installation with a minimum DN1000 at a depth of at least 8m and above for a length of 1000 meter in similar geological conditions.”

c) Criteria 4.2.3 Contracts for Operation of Plant of the Initial Selection Document will be superseded with the following:

“Minimum of two (2) operation and maintenance contracts, each with a duration of at least two (2) years to similar proposed works.
For the sake of clarity, similar contracts are O&M contracts, for treatment of Waste water, with a capacity ≥ 50,000 m3/d for 2 or more years involving sludge treatment and disposal, at least one contract should be in similar tropical climatic conditions, including technology and other characteristics as described in Part 2 – Section VII – Scope of Works.”

d) Para 8 of the Invitation for Initial Selection will be superseded with the following:

“8. Applications for Initial Selection should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by July 16, 2023 at 1300 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) physically (in person or by mail) and be clearly marked “Application to Initial Selection for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan (Package No.: CMSP-5/W1).”
e) Section-II- ISDS Clause ITA 17.1 & Clause ITA 19.1 of the Initial Selection Document will be superseded with the following:

ITA 17.1 The deadline for Application submission is:
Date: July 16, 2023
Time: 1300 hours (BST) (GMT+6 hrs)
Applicants shall not have the option of submitting their Applications electronically.
For application submission purposes only, the Employer's address is:
Employer’s address is the same as that indicated in ITA 7.1
Telephone: +88-031-614322,
Electronic mail address: ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Submission of Applications is allowed in not more than one location

ITA 19.1 The opening of the Applications shall be at:
Date: July 16, 2023
Time: 1400 hours (BST) (GMT+6 hrs)
Address: Office of the Superintending Engineer (Planning & Construction)
Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Chattogram WASA Bhaban, 2nd Floor (Room no. 311), Dampara, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

The other provisions of the Invitation for Initial Selection & Initial Selection Documents remains unchanged.

(Signed )
(Mohammed Ariful Islam)
Superintending Engineer (Planning and Construction )
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

Memo No. : 46.06.0000.302.007.19.2023-253, Date: 31.05.2023

Addendum Notice: Closing Date Extension

The following corrections have been made in the respective Invitation for Initial Selection & Initial Selection document of Package No. CMSP-5/W1 (Invitation Ref. No. 46.06.0000.302.007.19.2023-240, Date: 09.05.2023). In this connection-
a) Para 8 of the Invitation for Initial Selection will be superseded with the following:
“8. Applications for Initial Selection should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by July 05, 2023 at 1300 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) physically (in person or by mail) and be clearly marked “Application to Initial Selection for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan (Package No.: CMSP-5/W1).”
b) Section-II- ISDS Clause ITA 17.1 & Clause ITA 19.1 of the Initial Selection Document will be superseded with the following:
ITA 17.1 The deadline for Application submission is:
Date: July 05, 2023
Time: 1300 hours (BST) (GMT+6 hrs)
Applicants shall not have the option of submitting their Applications electronically.
For application submission purposes only, the Employer's address is:
Employer’s address is the same as that indicated in ITA 7.1
Telephone: +88-031-614322,
Electronic mail address: ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Submission of Applications is allowed in not more than one location
ITA 19.1 The opening of the Applications shall be at:
Date: July 05, 2023
Time: 1400 hours (BST) (GMT+6 hrs)
Address: Office of the Superintending Engineer (Planning & Construction)
Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Chattogram WASA Bhaban, 2nd Floor (Room no. 311), Dampara, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

The other provision of the Invitation for Initial Selection & Initial Selection Documents remains unchanged.

(Mohammed Ariful Islam)
Superintending Engineer (Planning and Construction )
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

Memo No. : 46.06.0000.302.007.19.2023-240, Date: 09.05.2023

Invitation for Initial Selection
(Design and Build )

Country : The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Employer : Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Project : Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment
Brief Description of Works : Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan.
1. The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GOB) is in the process of receiving a credit from the Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") towards the cost of “Chattogram Metropolitan Sanitation Project for North Kattoli Catchment” to be implemented by Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA), an Autonomous entity of the GOB. CWASA intends to apply a part of the proceeds of this fund to pay against Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan (Package No.: CMSP-5/W1).
2. The Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) intends to initially select a maximum of 06 (six) contractors and/or firms for the work. This Initial Selection document for Procurements of Works concerns the design and construction of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant (STP-5) for North Kattoli Catchment (Catchmnet-5) located on CWASA-owned land, adjacent to STP-1 for Halishahar Catchment (Catchment-1) and sharing upstream facilities (coarse screens, raw sewage lifting station, grit removal and classifier, fine screening), discharge culvert/canal as well as sludge dewatering facilities of STP-1. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in June 2024.
3. The description of Works is to Design and Build the Sewage Treatment Plant & Trunk Sewer for North Kattoli Catchment (Catchment-5) including covering :
i) Capacity 50,000 m3/d to fit with both wastewater volumes generated by catchment 5 at the 2035 horizon and spare capacity provided under Catchment 1 project, for which civil works of shared facilities are already planned;
ii) Biological treatment (activated sludge), up to present standards in force in Bangladesh, prior to discharge into the Bay of Bengal;
iii) Tunnel: 5km-long trunk sewer (approximately 1.2 Km of DN800 and 3.8 Km of DN 1400) bringing wastewater to the shared raw sewage pumping facilities at the inlet of STP-1 & 5 (existing invert chamber level of –10.3m);
iv) Supervision of Operation (technical assistance to CWASA) of the facilities (including STP-1) for a period of 1 year with possible extension of 2 years;
4. The overall contract implementation period shall be 48 months including the following phases:
i) Design approvals phase – duration shall be 6 months;
ii) Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning phase – duration shall be 30 months;
iii) Supervision of Operations (technical assistance to CWASA) – duration shall be 12 months;
5. Initial Selection will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries-October 2019", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr , and is open to all eligible bidders, as defined in the guidelines.
6. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from the address below during regular office hours from 0900 to 1600 hours Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6 hours) on all working days (Sunday to Thursday) except government holidays and the intending Applicants may contact for any clarification and background information at the Employer’s address given below. This Invitation for Initial Selection Notice and a read-only copy of the Initial Selection Documents will also be available (for inspection purpose only) in the web address: www.ctg-wasa.org.bd; www.cptu.gov.bd and https://afd.dgmarket.com. For application submission purpose, the original Initial Selection documents must be purchased from the source mentioned below.
7. The complete set of the Initial Selection documents in English may be purchased by interested applicants (a) on the submission of a written application to the Employer’s address specified below, and (b) upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of BDT 15000.00 (Bangladesh Taka Fifteen Thousand) or USD 140.00 (United States Dollars One Hundred and Forty). The method of payment will be cash/Pay order in favour of Managing Director, Chattogram WASA. The purchased document should be collected from the Employer’s office below by any person with appropriate authorization. Alternatively, the document may also be sent by courier service to the address of the applicant, if requested (in that case charges of the courier service will be borne by the applicant). However, under any circumstances, CWASA does not bear any responsibility either for missing delivery or not getting delivery in time by courier service.
8. Applications for Initial Selection should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by June 06, 2023 at 1300 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) physically (in person or by mail) and be clearly marked “Application to Initial Selection for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50,000 m3/d Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works for North Kattoli Catchment of Chattogram Metropolitan (Package No.: CMSP-5/W1).”
9. CWASA will not be responsible for any delay in submission including delay due to postal or any other reason. Late application may be rejected.
10. The Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications either in part or in full without assigning any reason, whatsoever.

Attention: Mohammed Ariful Islam
Superintending Engineer (Planning & Construction)
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Chattogram WASA Bhaban, 2nd Floor (Room no. 311), Dampara, Chattogram
Tel: +88-031-614322
E-mail: ariful.cwasa@gmail.com
Website: http://ctg-wasa.org.bd

(Mohammed Ariful Islam)
Superintending Engineer (Planning and Construction )
Chattogram Water Supply & Sewerage Authority (CWASA)

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