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Production de capsules vidéos (EXPIRED)

Appel d'offres

Informations générales

Pays:   International
Ville/Localité:   Paris
Date de publication:   Mai 24, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Juin 2, 2023 - 18:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   MULTI - Digital Africa
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Overall quality and relevance of the proposal.
The references
Availability of the agency and the teams mobilized as well as the delivery times.
The budget
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Ayoub FATHI
Project Manager
5 rue de Saintonge
Paris 75003
Téléphone:   +33666183675
Adresse électronique :   afathi@digital-africa.co
Site Web:   https://digital-africa.co/en/

Texte original

Terms of References

Digital Africa's mission is to strengthen the capacity of early stage African entrepreneurs to design and deploy digital innovations on a large scale to serve the real economy. Acting as a catalyst, Digital Africa brings together a group of partners of all nationalities - startups, researchers, incubators, institutional financiers, venture capitalists, cluster techs - committed to African digital entrepreneurs, with Proparco at the forefront as sole partner.

Our approach is based on a clear diagnosis of the needs of entrepreneurs, directly from the field, to develop a set of programs around three main areas:
Strengthening the skills of digital startups in seed stage on the continent, through team training and access to local talent trained in the startup business as well as easing access to qualified data
Facilitating access to financing adapted to the seed stage through the implementation of agile financing mechanisms as well as the animation of investor communities
Supporting 'made in Africa' innovation policies that are favorable to digital entrepreneurs innovating in Africa


This mission aims at producing impactful videos for two main programs:

The Africa Next
Africa Next was a joint initiative launched by Digital Africa and the Bpifrance in July 2020, and joined in June 2021 by AfricaGrow. It is a community of investors and accelerators that is committed to driving co-investment in fast-growing innovative startups in Africa.
Pitch sessions are hosted several times a year so that startups presented by community members can make an e-pitch to international investors and other members. Session criteria are adapted to reflect the needs of the community.

The first 2020 e-pitch sessions were for startups with high-impact potential in several African countries and internationally, looking to raise capital of between 1 and 10 million euros.

Bridge Fund:
Promoted by Digital Africa and operated by Proparco, the Bridge Fund by Digital Africa is intended to be an appropriate response to the challenges confronting young innovative African companies, whose development is harmed by the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Bridge Fund invests tickets from 150K to 600K€ per startup. The fund has been totally exploited as of date.

Objective of the mission:
Digital Africa wants to give visibility to the impact the programs had on the end users and to communicate widely on the results of these two programs.
The bottom line of the messages to be broadcast through the videos is the impact on end users and populations these funding facilities have produced, while offering visibility for the start ups that have benefited from the funding. The editorial approach has to be really human centered and non institutional.
The objective is to produce (in-site) videos that showcase the beneficiaries of Africa Next and Bridge Fund. This consists in producing:
Videos guidelines:
The objective is to work alongside Digital Africa team to prepare the guidelines for the videos. The guideline will serve as a reference for the production team (in-site). It should be validated by Digital Africa before being circulated to the teams on the ground.
It is expected to deliver guidelines for Africa Next & Bridge separately.
Video clips / report:
The editorial approach is to broadcast the videos as a sitcom : “Come and meet the tech champions transforming lives in Africa through technology”
These videos will be broadcasted on social media (Linkedin, Youtube, Twitter…), on the different related websites and to be broadcasted during events.
The agency will edit and brand all the recorded interviews, including the subtitles.
Videos will be shot in Kenya, Egypt, France, Tunisia and Ivory Coast. Therefore, the provider must have local correspondent who will produce the content. No travel expenses must be engaged.

For Africa Next:

The goal is to highlight the success stories of Africa Next: the startups that have raised funds via Africa Nex and those who pitched and are still looking to raise funds. Some investors may also be interviewed.
Format: video clips filmed in-site (report style)
Language: English with subtitles in french
Duration: up to 3 minutes
Quantity: Up to 10 videos
Graphics: final videos will be branded Africa Next (the graphic charter will be provided by Digital Africa).

For Bridge Fund by Digital Africa:
Format: video clips filmed in-site (report style)
Language: English with subtitles in french
Duration: up to 3 minutes
Quantity: Up to 10 videos
Graphics: final videos will be branded Bridge Fund by Digital Africa (the graphic charter will be provided by Digital Africa).

In addition, production of a 180 second (maximum) motion design video to explain the Bridge fund by Digital Africa program and communicate its impact.

Minimum number of videos to be produced: 10 videos
In order to produce these videos, the agency will coordinate with Digital Africa team to jointly:
Prepare the technical guidelines of the videos and create a narrative that serves the showcasing purpose of these videos
Support the drafting of the questions and the format of the interviews
Post production: editing, effects…etc.
Digital Africa will provide all the graphic elements that are necessary: colors, fonts, pictograms…etc. This does not include the video packaging elements, nor the transcription, the vocal or visual effects.
Specialized agency with strong track record in video production, production project coordination, post-production, format recommendations.
The awarded agency must be able to identify, contract, coordinate with production crews in different African countries (freelancers, local agencies…)
If the agency uses service providers in the listed countries above (freelancers…etc). The agency will be responsible for the time of delivery, the quality and logistics.

Start of the mission: June 3, 2023
Date of delivery: June 30th, 2023


Digital Africa plans to produce several videos, the unit cost will determine the final quantity of videos to be produced.
A detailed budget should be provided. It must include the following:
The cost in € (tax included) of the Production of guidelines for Africa Next videos (interview preparation: questions…etc).
The cost in € (tax included) of the Production of guidelines for Bridge Fund videos (interview preparation: questions…etc).
The cost in € (tax included) for the production of a single video to be shot in Paris.
The cost in € (tax included) for the production of a single video (startup or investor) to be shot in the continent (regardless of the country).
The cost in € (tax included) for the production of a 180 second motion design video including the voice over and the subtitles.
The cost in € (tax included) for the post-production of a single video.
specific pricing for the video motion about Bridge

Criteria of selection:
Overall quality and relevance of the proposal.
The references
Availability of the agency and the teams mobilized as well as the delivery times.
The budget

Format and proposals’ submission:

A PDF presentation or document that includes the following elements:
A brief presentation of your organization (the team, portfolio…etc).
A brief methodology note (3 pages maximum) - PDF or Word format. .
A timeline of the project
The expected end products or results.
The Budget and estimated time of delivery.

Possibility to submit a proposal as a consortium of agencies.

Applications must be sent to amnif@digital-africa.co and afathi@digital-africa.co

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