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Provision for AFD schools rehabilitation (EXPIRED)

Appel d'offres

Informations générales

Pays:   Liban
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   23-NOR-0003 / PR 8200763
Date de publication:   Jun 23, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Juin 9, 2023 - 10:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   LIBAN - Norwegian Refugee Council
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Mohamad Zeinedine
Procurement Coordinator
Norwegian Refugee Council
10th floor, Weavers Center, Clemenceau
Beirut, Beirut
Téléphone:   + 961 (1) 366 113
Adresse électronique :   lb.procurement@nrc.no
Site Web:   http://www.nrc.no

Marchandises, Travaux et Services


Dossier d'appel d'offres et documents joints

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Texte original

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Invitation to Bid
ITB reference # 23-NOR-0003
PR reference # 8200763

North, June 1, 2023

Our reference: Daleel Madani Web /NRC Website
PR reference: 8200763
Dear Mr/Ms
Following your enquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned invitation to tender, please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier.
Any request for clarification must be received by NRC in writing before the deadline for request for any clarifications from NRC. NRC will reply to bidders' questions before the deadline for submission of tenders.
Costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender proposals will not be reimbursed.
We look forward to receiving your tender at the address specified in the Instructions to Bidders before July20, 2023 at 10:00 (Beirut Time), as stated in the procurement notice.
Please note that bid submissions are not to be sent by email. If a bid is disclosed by act of omission, this will be considered as valid ground for a systematic exclusion from the bidding process.
If you decide not to submit a tender, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing, stating the reasons for your decision.

Yours sincerely,
NRC Procurement Department
On behalf of the Bid Analysis Committee 

Tender Pack should include the following:
Sections highlighted in green must be completed by the bidder.
Section with no highlighted for reading and acknowledgments.

Part A: This ITB document contains the following:
 Section1: This cover Letter
 Section 2: Bid Data sheet.
 Section 3: NRC Invitation to bid general terms &condition.
 Section 4:Scope of Work.
 Section 5: Bidding form
 Section 6: Work Schedule
 Section 7: Ethical Standards Declaration
 Section 8: AFD Statement of Integrity
 Section 9: Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

Part B: Compressed folder contains the following:
 Annex A:
o Bill of Quantities
o Drawings
 Annex B: Forms
o Bid Summary Table
o Qualification Forms (QF):
 Qualification Form 1:
• QF_1. A-i: General Experience Record
• QF_1. A-ii: Overall Experience Record with INGOs
• QF_1. B-i: Particular Experience Record(Bidders who want to apply for one (1) Lot
• QF_1. B-ii: Particular Experience Record(Bidder who wants to apply for two (2) Lots
• QF_1. B-iii: Particular Experience Record(Bidder who wants to apply for three (3) Lots
 Qualification Form 2-Candidate Summary(Evidence of suitable personnel)
 Qualification Form 3-Work in Hand
 Qualification Form 4-Total Annual Turnover
o Schedules Forms (SC):
 Schedule No. 1: Major Items of Contractor's Equipment
 Schedule No. 2: Key Personnel
 Schedule No. 3: Sub-Contractors
 Schedule No. 4: Manufacturers

Bid Data Sheet
1. Background Data
Contract Name:Schools Rehabilitation Tender Contract Number: 23-NOR-0003

This bid is issued by Norwegian Refugee Council - NRC North Area Office in Tripoli - Lebanon any correspondence can be addressed the following address office.
Procurement Department
NRC North Office
Block A, Second Floor, Basatin Trablos 4150 Building, Rass El Sakher Street, Tripoli
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/fsu5De2EuEyhQRnU9

2. Scope of Work

NRC funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)is willing to assist in the improvement of students’ accommodations and needs & meet safety, protection and hygiene standards in Lebanese Public schools.
As part of NRC’s Education Program currently being implemented in the North, Beirut Mount Lebanon and Beqaa regions of Lebanon an agreement was reached between the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education(MEHE) and NRC that aims to support existing education facilities through targeted rehabilitation of identified public schools.
These activities are detailed in Section 4 of this ITB.

Please refer to the technical specifications and BOQs for more details.
MAXIMUM TIME-FRAME FOR COMPLETION OF WORKS: NRC expects the contractors to have fast-track mobilization, allowing for timely and speedy completion of works for each of the Lots. You are expected to prepare a schedule of works outlining the expected number of days needed for each of the construction/repair phases.
The overall schedule for works for each contract must be completed during the summer period when schools are closed. However, you are expected to prepare a schedule to complete the works as per the preliminary scheduled plan listed in Section 6 of this ITB.
Handing-over the schools is mandatory to take place as per the schedule listed in section 6, otherwise NRC preserves the right to apply penalty in case of delay (see section 6).

3. Schedule & Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submission of bids is 10:00 on the 20th of July 2023. Late bids will not be accepted.
Invitation to Bid release 19 June 2023 8:00
Deadline to request Tender Documents 09 July 2023 10:00
Site visits (Day 1) 11 July 2023 10:00
Site visits (Day 2) 12 July 2023 10:00
Site visits (Day 3) 13 July 2023 10:00
Deadline for request for any clarifications from NRC 16 July 2023 23:59
Last date on which clarifications are issued by NRC 18 July 2023 16:00
Deadline for submission of tenders (receiving date, not sending date) 20 July 2023 10:00
Tender opening session by NRC 21 July 2023 11:00
Notification of award to the successful tenderer 02 August 2023
Signature of the contract 08August 2023

* All times are in the local time ofBeirut Lebanon.
Please note all dates are provisional dates and NRC reserves the right to modify this schedule.
Tender opening session: Only companies that have submitted a bid and committed to site visits (Section 3/ Clause 8) may attend the respective tender opening at NRC office or virtually via a video conferencing call.
During the first Public Tender Opening Session for bids received in response to Invitations to Bid (ITB), only the qualification documents will be opened and examined for completeness and fulfilment of the qualification criteria.

4. Manner of Submission
Please submit your bids in accordance with the requirements detailed below:
NRC will follow the two envelop process for this procurement. Failure to comply with the submission instruction will lead to supplier disqualification immediately.
Technical and Financial bids have to be uploaded strictly using eTB in a separate designated field, otherwise you offer will be disqualified.
Please submit your bid by uploading all files to the e-tender box web site (eTB) - the link is included in the file
0_LINK TO UPLOAD BID.pdf, which you downloaded together with this tender package.
In order to avoid technical problems and disqualification of your bid, please reduce the file name length before submission and please do not zip folders and sub-folders because the file with too long name cannot be transferred between different Microsoft Clouds (submit or zip single files only). Files with the same file name cannot be uploaded twice.
After successful bid submission you will receive a confirmation e-mail from eTB system. If you need to re-submit your offer, please add #2 after Company name and only the latest submission will be considered.
If you have any technical questions, please use the link available also in downloaded file 0_LINK TO UPLOAD BID.pdf before 16/07/2023 23:59.After submitting your question, you will receive an e-mail confirmation from eTB system.
If you do not receive an e-mail, or in case of technical problems, please contact lb.north.procurement@nrc.no
Complete bids shall be submitted no later than 10:00, on the due date indicated above. Bids submitted after that date shall not be considered.
Tenders will be opened publicly in the presence of the NRC tender committee.
5. Assessment Criteria
Award of the contract(s) will be based on the following:
Step 1: Administrative compliance check
Bidders must provide evidence of the following for their bid to be considered compliant:
1. Part A: Sections 5-9 completed, signed and stamped
2. Part B: related BoQs, Bid Summary Table, QF and SF completed, signed and stamped
3. Bidder has included a copy of their valid business licence, Tax Registration.
4. Eligibility Check that includes but not limited to attending the site visits.
Step 2: Technical Evaluation
A Technical Evaluation of all bids received will be conducted to shortlisted bidders. Criteria that will be used to evaluate and score the bids are outlined in Section 3, Clause 27.
Step 3: Financial Evaluation
Price in comparison to NRC established expectation and in comparison to other bidders of comparable technical  
6. Bidder’s Checklist
Description To be filled by bidder
Step/ document to be submitted with tender Yes No
Complete tender package delivered before the deadline specified in Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet - Compulsory
Section 5 – Bidding Form – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Section 6 – Works Provision Schedule - signed & stamped – Compulsory
Section 7 – Ethical Standards Declaration – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Section 8 – AFD Statement of Integrity – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Bill of Quantities – Filled, signed & stamped – Compulsory (placed in Envelop 2)
Bid Summary Table - Completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
All Four (4) Qualification forms – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
All Four (4) Schedule forms – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Signed Completion Certificate from the contracting authority as proof of experience for the works completed related to General and Particular Experience - Compulsory
Supporting documents
Copy of company registration, Tax, MoF, Commercial Circular – Compulsory
Copy of VAT registration – Compulsory
Power of Attorney if applicable
Certificate from the Order of Engineers: every Engineer, whether he is a Contractor, or an Engineer assigned for this project
Copies of Company Owner(s) and Director(s) ID – Compulsory
Copy of their company Health and Safety Manual- Compulsory

NRC Invitation to Bid -General Terms & Conditions

1 Scope of Bid
1.1 The bid is based on the scope of the assignment as determined in the Bid Data Sheet (Section 2). The instruction to bidders should be read in conjunction with the Bid Data Sheet.
1.2 The successful Bidder will be expected to complete the assignment by the Intended Completion Date specified in the contract to be signed.

2 Corrupt Practices
2.1 Norwegian Refugee Council requires Employees, Bidders and Contractors, to observe standards of ethics during procurement and the execution of contracts. In pursuit of this, Norwegian refugee Council defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
a) “Corrupt practice” includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and
b) “Fraudulent practice” includes a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Norwegian Refugee Council, and includes collusive practices among Bidders prior to or after bid submission designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the Norwegian Refugee Council of the benefits of free and open competition;
c) In any case where fraud or corruption is identified, NRC will:
• reject any bids where the Bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract;
• remove bidding contractors who engage in fraudulent or corrupt practices, from our prequalified list.
• liaise with District Officials to report if fraudulent or corrupt practices are identified
• terminate works.
2.2 Any communications between a Bidder and the Norwegian Refugee Council related to matters of alleged fraud or corruption must be made in writing and addressed to the accountability Department via email address: lb.complaints@nrc.no or via mobile to NRC Accountability Coordinator : +961 7000 7937

3 Data Protection and Security
3.1 NRC expects contractors who process personal data comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and any relevant national legislation. Suppliers processing personal data on an NRC contract will be required to sign a data processing / sharing agreement as a part of the contract. Refusal to sign such an agreement constitutes refusal of the contract terms and forfeiture of the contract on the part of the supplier.

4 Eligible Bidders
4.1 A Bidder shall meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in NRC procurement of Works:
a) the bidder, at the time of bid, is not:
i. insolvent;
ii. in receivership;
iii. bankrupt; or
iv. being wound up
b) the bidder’s business activities have not been suspended;
c) the bidder is not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the circumstances in (b); and
d) The Bidder has fulfilled his or her obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions. In a case where VAT is included in a bid, a copy of the VAT certificate must accompany the bid.
e) A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder including sub-contractors, shall not have a conflict of interest. All Bidders found to have an undisclosed conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Norwegian Refugee Council regarding this bidding process.
4.2 A Bidder whose circumstances in relation to eligibility change during a procurement process or during the execution of a contract shall immediately inform the Norwegian Refugee Council.
4.3 NRC reserves the right to refuse a bid at any time if the bidder or any party constituting the Bidder, including one of its sub-contractors violates any of the ethical standards provided in section 9 of the Invitation to Bid.

5 Joint Ventures, Consortia and Associations
5.1. Bids submitted by a joint venture, consortium or association of two or more firms as partners will be accepted under the following conditions: If the Bidder is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a Joint Venture (JV), Consortium or Association for the Bid, they shall confirm in their Bid that : (i) they have designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with authority to legally bind the members of the JV, Consortium or Association jointly and severally, which shall be evidenced by a duly notarized Agreement among the legal entities, and submitted with the Bid; (ii) if they are awarded the contract, the contract shall be entered into, by and between NRC and the designated lead entity, who shall be acting for and on behalf of all the member entities comprising the joint venture; and (iii) NRC will make payment to the lead entity.
5.2. After the Deadline for Submission of Bid, the lead entity identified to represent the JV, Consortium or Association shall not be altered without the prior written consent of NRC.
5.3. The lead entity and the member entities of the JV, Consortium or Association can submit only one Bid.
5.4. The description of the organization of the JV, Consortium or Association must clearly define the expected role of each of the entities in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of the ITB, both in the Bid and the JV, Consortium or Association Agreement. All entities that comprise the JV, Consortium or Association shall be subject to the eligibility and qualification assessment by NRC.
5.5. A JV, Consortium or Association in presenting its track record and experience should clearly differentiate between: a) Those that were undertaken together by the JV, Consortium or Association; and b) Those that were undertaken by the individual entities of the JV, Consortium or Association.
5.6. Previous contracts completed by individual experts working privately but who are permanently or were temporarily associated with any of the member firms cannot be claimed as the experience of the JV, Consortium or Association or those of its members, but should only be claimed by the individual experts themselves in their presentation of their individual credentials.
5.7. Consortium or Associations are encouraged for high value, multi-sectoral requirements when the spectrum of expertise and resources required may not be available within one firm.
6 One Bid Per Bidder Per Work
Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid per contract. A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid per contract will cause all the bids with the Bidder’s participation to be rejected.

7 Cost of Bidding
The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid, and the Norwegian Refugee Council shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

8 Site Visit
8.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk,must attend the site visit (s) organized by NRC for only the Lots the bidder is willing to bid for (without exception). Any submitted bidding documents for a lot that the bidder has skipped its site visit will be considered automatically cancelled.
Skipping Lots’ site visits is eligible only for the lots that the bidder is not bidding for.
During the site visits, bidders will examine the Site of Works and its surroundings for the schools they are interested in bidding for in order to obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
Non-participant bidders will be automatically excluded from the non-attended school visit.
8.2 Schools’ visits time, date and addresses are as below:
Day Area CERD School Name Date Time Location GPS Coordinates
1 North (Lot A) 409 Al Mourabia Souad Al Masri Public School For Girls 19 June 2023 10:00 to 11:00 Abo Samra, Tripoli 34.4237927, 35.8467374
1494 Tal Al Ziraa Mixed Public School 19 June 2023 12:00 to 13:00 Wadi jamous, Akkar 34.5174682, 35.9977539
2 Beqaa (Lot B) 832 Bar Elias Elementary Public School 20 June 2023 10:00 to 11:00 Bar Elias, Central Bekaa 33.778339
1498 Sohmor First Public School 20 June 2023 12:00 to 13:00 Sohmor, West Bekaa 33.519150
3 BML (Beirut Mount Lebanon) (Lot C) 123 Haret Hreik First Mixed Public School 21 June 2023 10:00 to 11:30 Haret Hreik, Baabda, Mount Lebanon 33.85122,

66 Burj Hammoud Third Mixd Intermediate Public School 21 June 2023 12:00 to 13:00 Bourj Hammoud, Metn, Mount Lebanon 33.88174,

Please make sure to be on time for the site visit since delays will not be tolerated.
There will be only one site visit with no other rounds.

9 Inspection
NRC is obliged to ensure that its procurement decisions are clearly justified and documented and keeping within the Donors mandatory principles. In that regard, full and on-the-spot access must be granted to representatives of NRC, the Donor or any organisation or person mandated by it, to premises belonging to NRC or its contractors. The right to access shall include all documents and information necessary to assess, or audit the implementation of the contract.

10 Obtaining and Completing Bidding Documents
10.1 Bidders who did not obtain the Bidding Document directly from the Norwegian Refugee Council will be rejected during evaluation. Where a Bidding Document is obtained from the Norwegian Refugee Council on a Bidder’s behalf, the Bidder’s name must be registered with the Norwegian Refugee Council at the time of issue.
10.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding Document may result in the rejection of the bid.

11 Clarification of Bidding Document
A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall contact the Norwegian Refugee Council in writing using the link available also in downloaded file 0_LINK TO UPLOAD BID.pdf before the deadline of requesting clarification The Norwegian Refugee Council will respond in writing to any request for clarification before the deadline for clarification of bids. The Norwegian Refugee Council shall forward copies of its response to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Document, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source.
12 Amendment of Bidding Document
12.1 At any time prior and until 48 hours prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Norwegian Refugee Council may amend or cancel the Bidding Document by informing the bidders in writing.
12.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an amendment or cancellation into account in preparing their bids, the Norwegian Refugee Council can, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids.

13 Language of Bid
13.1 The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid shall be written in English.
13.2 Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.
13.3 Copies of official documents such as business registration, tax documents, bank guaranty can be provided in their issuance language.

14 Documents Comprising the Bid
14.1 Please submit your bid by uploading all files to the e-tender box web site - the link is included in the file0_LINK TO UPLOAD BID.pdf, which you downloaded together with this tender package.Technical and Financial bids have to be uploaded in a separate designated field, otherwise you offer will be disqualified.
14.2 bidder shall furnish all the documents comprising the bid as the following making sure that all official and legal documents such as but not limited to Commercial Registration, MoF, VAT, should not be older than one year otherwise bids with documents older might not be considered.
14.3 Envelop 1- Qualification: (Content of Envelop 1 to be strictly uploaded to Technical Bid section in eTB)
(a) Copy of the Commercial registration/Circular, Ministry of Finance and VAT certificate.
(b) ID's or Passports copies of Authorized people that can sign on behalf of the company.
(c) Section 5: Contractor’s Biding form in Section 5 Filled, signed, and stamped.
(d) Section 6: Service Provision Schedule (Progress of Work) (as in Section 6)
(e) Section 7 – Ethical Standards Declaration – completed, signed &stamped.
(f) Section 8 – AFD Statement of Integrity – completed, signed & stamped.
(g) (Annex B) - completed, signed & stamped and it includes the following:
(i) Bid Summary Table
(ii) Qualification Forms:
1. Qualification Form 1:
• QF_1. A-i: General Experience Record
• QF_1. A-ii: Overall Experience Record with INGOs
• QF_1. B-i: Particular Experience Record (Bidders who want to apply for one (1) Lot or
• QF_1. B-ii: Particular Experience Record (Bidder who wants to apply for two (2) Lots or
• QF_1. B-iii: Particular Experience Record (Bidder who wants to apply for three (3) Lots
2. Qualification Form 2-Candidate Summary
3. Qualification Form 3-Work in Hand
4. Qualification Form 4-Total Annual Turnover
5. Copy of contracts, certificate of completions /Handover certificate as a proof for General and Particular experience listed in Qualification Form 1 and 2
(iii) Schedule Forms (SC):
1. Schedule No. 1: Major Items of Contractor's Equipment
2. Schedule No. 2: Key Personnel
3. Schedule No. 3: Sub-Contractors-If no subcontracting please state that in the form.
4. Schedule No. 4: Manufacturers
(h) Certificate from the Order of Engineers: every Engineer, whether he is a Contractor or an Engineer assigned for this project or employed by a company or establishment classified on the basis of his employment thereby, shall enclose in his Bid a certificate confirming his membership to any one of the two Orders of Engineers in Lebanon for the year in which the Bid is submitted;

14.4 Envelop 2- Financial (Content of Envelop 2 to be strictly uploaded to Financial Bid section in eTB):
(a) – Pricing Proposal in two formats:
(i) filled signed and stamped PDF scanned format.
(ii) filled in MS Excel format.
Note: Annex A – BoQ excel sheets include sub-sheets for each school
14.5 All forms must be completed without any alterations to the format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.
15 Bid Price for Works Contract
15.1 This contract is divided into Lots/ Schools, and Lots or individual school can be awarded to One or Multiple bidders. Bidders can apply to any or all schools together. NRC reserves the right to award One (1) school per contractor or more.
15.2 The works to be executed under the contract is separated in two parts, 1) Fixed Part (Part I) and 2) Optional Part (Part II). The Works related to Part II shall not be executed until an official notice to commence from NRC. The Contractor undertakes to keep the Unit Prices pertaining Part II, fixed during the whole period of the Contract. NRC reserve the right and prior to awarding to modify the quantities and amounts of works that will be awarded to the awardee based on the available funds.
15.3 Bid prices are for complete contracts. Contracts cannot be subdivided into pieces unless is divided into lots. Where a bid is submitted per contract / lot, all relevant BoQ must be completed. The price is not subject to any adjustments or revision because of price or currency fluctuations, or the actual costs incurred by the Contractor without a duly signed amendment to this Contract.
15.4 This Contract will be awarded to One or Multiple Bidders.
15.5 The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works/supply or service described in the drawings and specifications and listed in the BoQ, Items for which no rate or price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the Norwegian Refugee Council when executed and shall be deemed covered by the other rates and prices in the BoQ.
15.6 Unless otherwise specified in the Bid Data Sheet, all duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract, shall be included in the total bid price submitted by the bidder.
15.7 For bidder subject to VAT, VAT should be mentioned in the offers
15.8 The priced Bill of Quantities submitted by any Bidder shall be checked for arithmetical errors and for what might be considered unreasonable rates during the evaluation. Where errors are identified one or more of the following steps may be taken:
a) If any rates are considered to be unrealistic or unreasonable they may be altered by mutual agreement, provided that no alteration shall be made in the amount of the Bid.
b) If any arithmetical errors are detected in an otherwise acceptable bid, and the Bidder, on being so notified, is prepared to confirm his bid and if the Bidder is subsequently awarded the contract, then the Bid shall be altered to reflect the difference.
c) The Bidder is reminded that it is entirely his responsibility to ensure the accuracy of his bid. No alteration will be made to the bid after its submission on the grounds of any arithmetical errors subsequently discovered except as provided above.

16 Currencies of Bid and Payment
16.1 All prices shall be quoted by the Bidder in USD, unless otherwise stated. Similarly, all payments will be made in Fresh USD.
16.2 NRC will execute payments upon completion of milestones as defined in the table below:
# Payment Milestone description Value to be released
1 After completion of 50% of the works per lot for all awarded lots. 40% of the Total value of the Works of all awarded lots.
2 After 100% completion of the work and performance test approved, also known as the Substantial Completion Date of the Works of all awarded lots. 90% of the re-measured and final executed quantities of the Works- minus the value of the first payment.
3 After the completion of the twelve Months defect liability period and the Final handover Certificate. Release of 10% retention money.
16.3 No Advanced Payment will be made.
16.4 NRC will retain 10% of the final executed and re-measured value of each lot as a form of “retention guarantee” for a defect liability period of Twelve (12) months after all Works have been finalized. If the Works develop faults within the period (not caused by excessive vandalizing or natural disaster), the Contractor will be required to rectify the faults at no additional cost for NRC. If no fault develops, the Defect Liability Bonds will be returned to the Contractor at the end of the defect liability period.
16.5 NRC shall pay by bank (transfer / cheque) within 30 days of completing of a milestone against an official invoice to NRC Office.
16.6 Bank payments will only be made to the contracted party’s local bank account in Lebanon.
16.7 Payments facilitated from outside Lebanon might be granted in on case by case basis and at the sole discretion on the employer.
16.8 All potential limitations to access funds by the Contractor in the nominated accounts shall be the sole risk and liability of the Contractor.
16.9 Invoices are to be submitted on a per contract basis with a copy of a Goods Received Note (GRN) or Certificate of Completion of Service signed by the party delivering the goods or services, the Requester and the Logistics/Warehouse keeper verifying quality and quantity.
17 Bid Validity
17.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of 60 calendar days after the date of the bid submission deadline as prescribed by Norwegian Refugee Council. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected as non-compliant.
17.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity period, the Norwegian Refugee Council may request Bidders in writing to extend the period of validity of their bids. A Bidder must confirm in writing his acceptance of the extension. In case of extension, modification of the bid is not permitted.

18 Alternative Bids
Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the bidding documents, including the basic technical design as indicated in the drawings and specifications. Alternative bids shall not be considered unless otherwise indicated in Section 2 – the Bid Data Sheet.
19 Format and Signing of Bid
The Bidder shall prepare one set of bid documents per contract that he wishes to bid for. The bidder should hold a copy of the documents with himself, for reference purposes.

20 Sealing and Marking of the Bid
The Bidder shall submit their bid as per Section 2 Paragraph 4 . Manner of submission.
21 Deadline for Submission of Bids
Bids must be submitted through the e-Tender Box system (eTB) before the deadline for submission of bids.
22 Late Bids
Submission of the bid through the e-Tender Box system (eTB) shall not be possible after the deadline for submission of bids.
23 Withdrawal and Replacement of Bids
23.1 A Bidder may withdraw or replace its bid after it has been submitted at any time before the deadline for submission of bids.
23.2 A bid can be replaced by submitting a revised offer through the e-Tender Box system (eTB) and the latest bid submitted will be considered as the final version. When submitting a revised bid, the Company name in eTB system should be modified by adding #2 in the designated field for the company name.
23.3 A bid may be withdrawn at any stage by sending written notice signed by an authorized representative to lb.north.procurement@nrc.no.
23.4 After the opening of bids, modifications to bids must be documented and any discussions reported in writing. A bid may be withdrawn at any stage, with written notice.

24 Confidentiality
24.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post-qualification of bids, and recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until information detailing the best evaluated Bidder is communicated to all Bidders.
24.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Norwegian Refugee Council in the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post-qualification of the bids or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its bid.
24.3 From the time of bid opening to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Norwegian Refugee Council on any matter related to the bidding process, it should do so in writing.

25 Clarification of Bids
Norwegian Refugee Council may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. The Norwegian Refugee Council’s request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. Any clarification submitted by a Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Norwegian Refugee Council shall not be considered. All requests for clarifications shall be copied to all bidders for information purposes. No change in the price or substance of the bid shall be permitted, except to confirm the correction of errors.

26 Bids Validation
26.1 The Norwegian Refugee Council’s determination of a Bid’s validity is to be based on the contents of the bid itself, which cannot be corrected if determined to be invalid
26.2 A valid bid is one that complies with all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the Bidding Document, without deviation or omission, which affects, or could affect;
a) the scope, quality, or performance of the Works specified in the Contract; or
b) limits in any substantial way, the Norwegian Refugee Council’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract

27 Evaluation of Bid
27.1 Least Cost Selection method will be used to award bids.
27.2 The Norwegian Refugee Council shall examine the legal documentation and other information submitted by Bidders to verify eligibility, and then will review and score bids according to the following criteria;
a) Completion and inclusion of requested information and supporting documents (Administrative compliance)
b) Overall timeframe for the works (Technical evaluation)
c) Schedules (Key Personnel and Activity schedule) (Technical evaluation)
d) Bill of Quantities (Financial & Technical evaluation)
e) Previous experiences in similar works (Technical evaluation)
f) Price in comparison to NRC estimated rate (Financial evaluation)

Evaluation method: bids shall be evaluated for technical compliance based on technical expertise and experience, delivery capacity and quality of proposed technical offer.
Secondly, bids that are found to be technically compliant shall be evaluated based on price and value for money, analyzing all relevant costs, risks, and benefits of each bid.
A “Pass and Fail” method based on objective thresholds and technical criteria will be considered in evaluating the bids. Bidders may be requested to submit evidence in support of the information provided in their offers.
The technically accepted bid with the lowest financial offer will be selected. In some cases, the lowest priced bid might not necessarily be accepted due to some technical reasons that will be explained in the bid evaluation minutes.
A Bidder shall meet the following criteria to be eligible to participate in NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council) procurement of Works:
a. All bidding companies must be registered in the Ministry of Finance where a copy of the Commercial Circular /VAT / Ministry of finance registrations to be provided with bidding documents.
b. Provided all the documents listed in the ITB (Invitation to Bid), Section 2 clause 6, and Section 3 clause 14 (Documents Comprising the Bid) and any additional documents for qualification of the Bidder are required.
c. Legal compliance:
The bidder, at the time of bid, is not:
i. insolvent.
ii. in receivership.
iii. bankrupt; or
iv. being wound up
d. The bidder’s business activities have not been suspended.
e. The bidder is not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the circumstances in (b); and
f. The Bidder has fulfilled his or her obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions. In a case where VAT is included in a bid, a copy of the VAT certificate must accompany the bid.
g. A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder including sub-contractors, shall not have a conflict of interest. All Bidders found to have an undisclosed conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another Bidder or influence the decisions of the Norwegian Refugee Council regarding this bidding process.
h. A Bidder whose circumstances in relation to eligibility change during a procurement process or during the execution of a contract shall immediately inform the Norwegian Refugee Council.
i. NRC reserves the right to refuse a bid at any time if the bidder or any party constituting the Bidder, including one of its sub-contractors violates any of the ethical standards provided in section 9 of the Invitation to Bid.


This section will be divided into two categories, General Experience and Particular Experience detailed below:
A- General Experience For all Bidders:
i. Overall experience of a minimum of ten (10) years in Construction projects. The Contractor must provide evidence showing the required number of years and is requested to complete Qualification Form (QF) QF_1. A-i included in the ITB.
ii. Overall experience in working with international organizations in Lebanon of minimum one (1) over 5 years. Experience to be listed by bidder in Qualification Form (QF) QF_1. A-ii.

B- Particular Experience for all Bidders:
The evaluation criteria for the particular experience will be divided into three thresholds to evaluate the bidder’s technical status in terms of which threshold is considered fit to apply for.
The bidder can apply for all the lots (multiple schools per area) but will only be considered fit one of these thresholds.
I. Bidders who want to apply for one (1) Lot (Multiple Number of Schools Per Area):
• Within the past seven (7) years as Prime Contractor – Two (2) successfully handed over projects in Lebanon similar in nature, size, and complexity like Construction and Rehabilitation, exceeding overall contracts values of 200,000 USD (2 projects*100,000(avg. per project)). Experience as a subcontractor will not be considered.
• Within the past five (5) years as Prime Contractor – One (1) successfully handed over project in Lebanon like SCHOOLConstruction/Rehabilitation exceeding over all contract Per School of 100,000 USD. Experience as subcontractor will not be considered by the Evaluation Committee.
II. Bidder who wants to apply for two (2) Lots ((Multiple Number of Schools Per Area):
• Within the past seven (7) years as Prime Contractor – Four (4) successfully handed over projects in Lebanon similar in nature, size, and complexity like Construction and Rehabilitation, exceeding overall contracts values of 400,000 USD (4 projects*100,000(avg. per project)). Experience as a subcontractor will not be considered.
• Within the past five (5) years as Prime Contractor – Three (3) successfully handed over project in Lebanon like SCHOOLConstruction/Rehabilitation exceeding over all contract Per School of 100,000 USD. Experience as subcontractor will not be considered by the Evaluation Committee.
III. Bidder who wants to apply for three (3) Lots (Multiple Number of Schools Per Area):
• Within the past seven (7) years as Prime Contractor – Five (5) successfully handed over projects in Lebanon similar in nature, size, and complexity like Construction and Rehabilitation, exceeding overall contracts values of 500,000 USD (5 projects* 100,000(avg. per project)). Experience as a subcontractor will not be considered.
• Within the past five (5) years as Prime Contractor – Four (4) successfully handed over project in Lebanon like SCHOOLConstruction/Rehabilitation exceeding over all contract Per School of 100,000 USD. Experience as subcontractor will not be considered by the Evaluation Committee.

The Contractor must provide evidence showing the required number of years,contract values and is requested to complete the QUALIFICATION FORM (QF_1. B-I or II or III based on the number of lots he is bidding for) included in the ITB. Contract only will not be accepted; Handover certificate is required to consider the project eligible for technical evaluation.

2. KEY PERSONAL – Evidence of suitable personnel
The bidder is requested to submit a detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) according to the QUALIFICATION FORM 2- CANDIDATE SUMMARY included in the bidding documents signed by the candidate.
To ensure the relevant experience of the key personnel, CVs must include a list of projects of similar works in which the candidate was involved. The submitted key personnel shall be those intended to be allocated to the project for the works, with any substitutions or replacements requiring prior approval by NRC. 

School Rehabilitation/Completion
Ref  Key Personnel  Qualifications and Experience  Number of Staff
1  Project Manager  Preferable to be Diploma holder in Civil/Architectural Engineering + 7 years’ work experience of a similar nature  Minimum one (1) for Each Contract
2  Site Engineer  Must be Diploma holders in Civil/Architectural Engineering
+ 5 years’work experience of a similar nature  Minimum one (1) Per Lot
3 Electrical Engineer Must be Diploma holders in Electrical Engineering + 5 years’work experience of a similar nature  Minimum one (1) Per Lot
4 Mechanical Engineer Must be Diploma holders in Mechanical Engineering + 5 years’work experience of a similar nature  Minimum one (1) Per Lot
5 Safety Engineer/Officer Preferable to be Diploma holder in Health, Safety & SafeguardingEngineering + 5 years’ work experience of a similar nature Minimum one (1) Per Lot
6 Site Focal Point Preferable to be Diploma holder in Civil/Architectural Engineering + 2 years’ work experience of a similar nature Minimum one (1) Per Site (School)

Note: Bidder can propose one (1) Project Manager if they intend to bid for multiple lots, but bidders should assign at least one (1) Site Engineer for each Lot and should provide names of site engineers and site focal points for each lot separately as above.
Also refer to the table above for detailed staffing allocation.
In addition, Bidder must designate different Teams to work on multiple lots as the works are required to be done in parallel.

To "pass" these criteria, a bidder shall propose all the required key personnel as indicated above and all the proposed personnel shall fulfil the qualifications and experience requirements stated above. 

3. WORK IN HAND – and current contracts Pass/Fail
Submit a detailed list of current contracts in hand and other commitments, to prove the Bidder’s available capacity to undertake this contract within their current workload by completing the QUALIFICATION FORM 3 – WORK IN HAND and QUALIFICATION FORM 4- ANNUAL TURNOVER included in the ITB.

To get the pass mark for this criterion, the cumulative work capability should be greater or equal to the average calculated value of schools in each threshold (e.g.: for threshold 1 value is 0.375M USD).

If the project is in completion (90% to 100%), it will not be considered as a project in hand.


This is also divided per threshold as below:

Threshold 1: The cumulative work capability is calculated as = highest annual turnover in the last three years - Amount of works in hand should be “Greater Than or Equal” to 0.150M USD

Threshold 2: The cumulative work capability is calculated as = highest annual turnover in the last three years - Amount of works in hand should be “Greater Than or Equal” to 0.300M USD

Threshold 3: The cumulative work capability is calculated as = highest annual turnover in the last three years - Amount of works in hand should be “Greater Than or Equal” to 0.450M USD


The below schedule shall be followed starting from the date on which the Contractor will be given access to the site and receive a notice from the NRC Engineer to commence the Works and ending on the date of substantial completion of Works stated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion.
Area & Lot School Duration (in months with calendar days)
Lot A - North Tal Al Ziraa Mixed Public School 60 days
Al Mourabia Souad Al Masri Public School For Girls 30 days
Fnaydek Public School for Boys 30 days
Ibn Khaldoun Mixed Public School for Boys 14 days
Bebnine public school for Boys 14 days
Baddawi Elementary Mixed Public School 14 days
Lot B- Bekaa Bar Elias Elementary Public School 60 days
Sohmor First Public School 60 days
Kamid El Lawz Intermediate Public School 60 days
Aarsal Forth Public School 60 days
Lot C - BML Haret Hreik First Mixed Public School 60 days
Burj Hammoud Third Mixed Intermediate Public School 60 days

The bidder must designate different teams to work on multiple lots as the work is required to be done in parallel.

The Contractor shall prepare and include in their Technical Proposal: 

i. Construction Schedule or Work plan: 
A Commercial Grade Project Management Software must be used to establish the critical path and project milestones.  
NB: This same software will be required for the project's duration for managing it, including reporting on progress and adherence to budget. The Evaluation Committee will not accept excel format.

ii. Proposed Construction Method of statement.  
The bidder’s Preliminary schedule/Work Plan (with the narrative) shows the bidder’s capacity to plan and execute the works within timelines consistent with the project requirements as stated in the ITB. 
The preliminary schedule shows all the activities with planned start and end period, resource assignment, mobilization period etc. all fit within the specified contract period and contains execution narrative (write-up). 
The Construction Schedule shall show duration in tentative dates of each of the Project’s construction activities with linked activities and critical-path activities. The Schedule should be human resource loaded. The Contractor is encouraged to include in his Technical Proposal a detailed Construction Method Statement; However, if awarded, the contractor must submit Method Statement specific for the project upon contract signature.

The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk, must attend the site visit (s) organized by NRC for each area (without exception) the bidder is willing to bid for. Any submitted bidding documents for an area that the bidder has skipped its site visit will be considered automatically cancelled. Skipping site visits is eligible only for the bidder is not bidding for. Non-participant bidders will be automatically excluded from the non-attended site.

a. Completion and inclusion of requested information and supporting documents (Administrative compliance)
b. Technical Eligibility (pass/fail)
• Annex B
a. Qualification forms 1,2,3,4
b. Schedule forms 1,2,3,4
c. Bid Summary Table
• Annex A – bill of quantities items BOQ)
• Construction Schedule and Method Statement (section 6)
• Attendance of site visit

A. Financial Evaluation:
1. Price in comparison to NRC established expectation and in comparison, to other bidders of comparable technical quality.

2. Passing bids will be evaluated based on price (least total cost of fixed and optional BOQ).

The below steps will be followed to select the winning bidder for each lot (school):
• If bidder is technically eligible for less than the number of lots applied for, all the financial offers submitted will be opened for the selection and awarding will be based on the lowest price in each lot. Awarding will be for the maximum number of lots according to the bidder’ technical capacity that allows to do so.
• If the bidder submitted offers that are the lowest in a certain number of lots (schools) more than the number of lot (Schools) eligible for, the financial selection will be based on the least difference between the lowest price and second best that will result to the lowest total price.

In addition, NRC reserve the right to validate and evaluate the prices to reflect the requested works, hence, conduct a pre-awarding meeting to confirm that the requirement in each item is fully understood by the bidder. If the outcome of the pre-award meeting was not successful and the bidder find himself not able to complete the works as per requirements, NRC can move ahead with the same process with the second bidder with the least price. This process can continue until a bidder is awarded.

27.3 Anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, anti-corruption and anti-terrorism legislation applicable in some jurisdictions and donor regulations require NRC to screen contractors against various lists including but not limited to the United Nations Security Council Sanctions List and World Bank debarment lists to ensure due diligence. Submission of the bid constitutes acceptance of these screening practices on the part of the Bidder.
27.4 Norwegian Refugee Council reserves the right to reject all bids, and re-tender if no satisfactory bids are submitted.

28 Award Procedure
28.1 The Norwegian Refugee Council shall award the Contract in writing, with an award letter, to the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the least cost technically accepted bid, before the end of the bid validity period.
28.2 Any bidder who has not been awarded a contract, will be notified in writing.
28.3 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the Award Letter shall constitute a binding agreement between the bidder and NRC.
28.4 The Award Letter will state the sum that the Norwegian Refugee Council will pay the Contractor in consideration of the Works as prescribed in the Contract, and in accordance with the Bid.
28.5 The Bidder is thereafter required to submit a Letter of Acceptance, confirming their wish to proceed with a contract.

29 Signing of Contract
29.1 Upon receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Norwegian Refugee Council shall call the successful Bidder to sign the Contract.
29.2 Within an agreed timeframe, the successful Bidder shall sign, date, and return the Contract to the Norwegian Refugee Council.
30 Contract
30.1 The Contractor-to-be will comply with a Works Contract, which will foresee, among others, the following commitments:
a) Non-exploitation of child labour and respect of basic social rights and working conditions (including security regulations and insurance for labour);
b) Provide transport, with insurance coverage for the materials, up to the warehouse and construction sites;
c) Accomplish the works, according to the required quantities and technical specifications indicated in the Bill of Quantities and Technical Drawings (SECTIONS 7 and 8), within the proposed timeframe

31 Sub Contracting
Please be advised that subcontracting is not permitted. Bidders must have the capacity to complete the works themselves.

32 Explosive Hazards
If this contract takes place in areas with Explosive Hazards, NRC accepts no liability for injury and/or death to contractor’s staff or damage to contractor’s property. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to check sites / ensure sites are checked for Explosive Hazards, informing their staff of the potential risks of undertaking works where Explosive Hazards may be present, providing staff with appropriate training on Explosive Hazards, and maintaining appropriate insurance / funding to cover injury and/or death of their staff which may arise.

Works Contract - Technical Description of the Bid

AFD 2030 Schools Background Information Scope of Work

Funded by Agence Française de Développement ,AFD, The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) will implement WASH In Schools by rehabilitation and completing existing buildings located all over Lebanon, in North, Bekka and Beirut Mount Lebanon Cadastral.

Most of these existing buildings lack the minimum infrastructure and structural conditions to support a healthy and safe environment to provide educational services. NRC intervention works will cover all the needed civil, mechanical, and electrical work. After completing all the planned interventions, the education environment for the students will improve significantly and ensure safe and reliable water is available in the schools. The document will include the below information to support the contractor to understand the context, detailed below in the document:
1) Area of Intervention
2) General Scope of Work for School Construction/Rehabilitation

The School Rehabilitation/Completion Projects are based in all the below areas based on the below table:
Area CERD School Name Address GPS Coordinates
North (Lot A) 1494 Tal Al Ziraa Mixed Public School Wadi Jamous, Akkar 34.5174682, 35.9977539
409 Al Mourabia Souad Al Masri Public School For Girls Abo Samra, Tripoli 34.4237927, 35.8467374
621 Fnaydek Public School for Boys Fnaydek, Akkar 34.4747808, 36.1829832
408 Ibn Khaldoun Mixed Public School for Boys Abo Samra, Tripoli 34.4140544, 35.8498159
555 Bebnine public school for Boys Bebnine, Akkar 34.4929102, 36.0001558
1419 Baddawi Elementary Mixed Public School Jabal Baddawi, North 34.4526550, 35.8709880
Beqaa (Lot B) 832 Bar Elias Elementary Public School Bar Elias, Central Bekaa 33.778339
1498 Sohmor First Public School Sohmor, West Bekaa 33.519150
990 Kamid El Lawz Intermediate Public School Kamid El Lawz, West Bekaa 33.624062
876 Aarsal Forth Public School Arsal, North Bekaa 34.184853
BML (Beirut Mount Lebanon) (Lot C) 123 Haret Hreik First Mixed Public School Haret Hreik, Baabda, Mount Lebanon 33.85122,

66 Burj Hammoud Third Mixd Intermediate Public School Bourj Hammoud, Metn, Mount Lebanon 33.88174,

The below, summarize, in general but not limited to, potential works in School Rehabilitation/Completion:
The works are categorized according to below:
General works:
• Providing safety plans and equipment
• Providing technical shop drawings and designs (Architectural, civil, Mechanical and Electrical)
• Preparation of as built drawings and BoQ (Bills of Quantity) measurements.

Civil Works:
• Demolishing Works – of existing Walls, Tiles, partitions where needed.
• Safe removal of debris from site.
• Block Work – Construction of Walls and Mansory Partitions (double Walls where needed)
• Plastering Works – Works include new double layer (as per specifications) and repair existing one (as per specifications)
• Painting – Colours to be decided on site.
• Tiling Works – Works include installation of Floor Tiles, Bathroom Tiles, Wall tiles, copping sills for aluminium works, and Stair Tiles.
• Aluminium Work – Works include installation of Aluminium Sliding Windows, Aluminium Sliding Doors, Aluminium hinged Doors, and fixed partitions.
• Waterproof Works – including SBS Sheets & PU where needed.
• Wooden Doors (HDF laminated (any colour) for the classrooms with openings, and HPL (High Pressure Laminated) doors for the kids’ toilets)
• Steel Fence & Gate – Hot Dip Galvanized Steel
• Construct of Toilets for Male, Female, Teachers, Kinder Garten Toilets and Kitchen and Drinking basin.
• Isolated Roofing – Sandwich panel, canopy, Roof Tiles.
• Concrete Works – Slab on Grade, Ties Beams, Footings, Fence, columns, lintels, etc…
• Repair steel gates and steel fences.
• Install/Rehabilitation of Water Purification Treatments (RO, UV, etc…).
• Supply and install copping sills.

Electrical Works:
• Electrical Works – Works include, install new wires, conduits, control boards with all its accessories, and lighting system (Led Lamps).
Mechanical Works:
• Water Supply System.
• Internal Drainage System and connection to existing wastewater network/Septic Tank.
• Drinking fountains, and washbasins in the toilets to be of resin (any colour proposed by MEHE)
• Self-closing mixers in the toilets of the people with special needs, and the kids’ lavatories
• Supply and install toilet seat (Flush Valve, Water closet, etc…)
• Supply and install Water Mixer
• Supply and install PSN Toilet Set & Accessories

Lot A - NORTH:
1. Tal Al Ziraa Mixed Public School:
Civil Works:
• Repair of defected concrete elements in the external facade.
• Internal and external painting
• Ground and wall tiles in toilets
• Installation of new SBS membrane.
Electrical Works:
• Repair of existing electric points
• Installation of new boards and fixtures.
Mechanical Works:
• Full upgrade for existing toilets
• Provision and installation of new water tanks
• Water filtering system.

2. Al Mourabia Souad Al Masri Public School For Girls:
Civil Works:
• Construction of new toilet block
• Ground and wall tiles for toilets
• Installation of washing and drinking basins
Electrical Works:
• Installation of new electric points in toilets
Mechanical Works:
• Full upgrade for existing toilets
• Water filtering system.

3. Fnaydek Public School for Boys
Civil Works:
• Internal paints
Mechanical Works:
• Repair of existing washing and drinking basins
• Water filtering system.

4. Ibn Khaldoun Mixed Public School for Boys
Mechanical Works:
Multi-stage water filtering system.

5. Bebnine public school for Boys
Mechanical Works:
Water filtering system.

6. Baddawi Elementary Mixed Public School
Mechanical Works:
Water filtering system

Lot B - Bekka:
1. Bar Elias Elementary Public School

Civil Works:
• New pergola using Cellular polycarbonate Triple Layer
• False Ceiling PVC for toilets.
• Precast concrete benches.

Mechanical Works:
• Maintain drinking water system and filtration system.
• Repair air duct system in classes (on walls)
• Air duct system for Toilets.

Electrical Works:
• New lighting fixtures, power sockets, and switches

2. Sohmor First Public School

Civil Works:
• Modify and extend the brick roofing for the KG’s playground.
• Install Windows Burglar Proof.
• Install Anti-Shock materials (Coloured PVC) for the floor and columns.
• Concrete Pre-Cast Benches.

Mechanical Works:
• PVC pipe connections from the existing gully to its drain.

3. Kamid El Lawz Intermediate Public School
• Supply Furniture (Tables, Desks, White Board, Chairs, Lockers, Cabinets...)

4. Aarsal Forth Public School
• Supply Furniture (Tables, Desks, White Board, Chairs, Lockers, Cabinets...)

Lot C - Beirut Mount Lebanon:

1. Haret Hreik First Mixed Public School

Civil Works:
• Internal paint
• External paint
• Floor tiles and wall tiles for toilets
• Repair aluminium, wooden and steel doors
• Installation of new expansion joint
• Repair wall cracks
• Columns structural retrofitting
• False ceiling (PVC) and fans for toilets
• Waterproofing of roof using SBS

Mechanical Works:
• Full upgrade of toilets (washing basins, WCs, pipes and all accessories)
• Installation of a resin drinking basin

Electrical Works:
• Installation of new electrical points in toilets
• Installation of power sockets or light switches
2. Burj Hammoud Third Mixd Intermediate Public School
Civil Works:
• Wall tiles for toilets
• Repair wooden and steel doors
• Install Aluminium doors

Mechanical Works:
• Installation of water taps, floor cleanouts, pipes..

Electrical Works:
• Installation of power sockets and lighting fixtures

Bidding Form

Please provide information against each requirement.
Additional rows can be inserted for all questions as necessary. If there is insufficient space to complete your answer in the space provided, please include on a separate attachment with a reference to the question.

1. Bidder’s General Business Details
a) General information

Company name:
Any other trading names of company:
Registered name of company (if different):
Nature of primary business/trade:
Primary contact name:
Job title:
Registered Address:

Business licence number:
Country of registration
Registration date:
Expiry date:
Legal status of company (eg. partnership, private limited company, etc.)

b) Owners/Managers
Please fill in the below table with the full names, title / position, the year of birth, and the country of birth of the company’s owner(s) and manager(s)*:

Full Name Title / Position Birth Year Birth Country

* Please note this information is necessary in order to conduct the vetting procedure referred to in clause 26 of the Invitation to Bid-General Terms and Conditions. Owners and managers include but are not limited to Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chair of the Board, Executive Director, Director, Manager.

c) Employees
Please list the employees who would be involved with NRC in the event of contract award:

Employee name Job title Role on NRC project Phone Email

d) Company bank account details:

Beneficiary name:
Beneficiary account no.:
Beneficiary Bank:
Bank branch:
Bank address:

2. References
Please provide details of at least 3 client references whom NRC may contact, preferably from NGOs and UN agencies, for similar related works:

Client/company name Contact person Phone Email Contract details (works, location, size, value, etc)

3. Equipment
Please provide details of any relevant machinery/equipment/vehicles owned by the company that would potentially be used for construction by filling Scheduled 1.

4. Defects Liability/Guarantee Period
Please confirm your acceptance of a twelve-month defect liability and guarantee period for this contract:
No ☐ Yes ☐

5. Bid Validity
Please confirm the sixty days validity of your bid below (in calendar days):

6. Confirmation of Bidder’s compliance

We, the Bidder, hereby certify that our tender is a genuine offer and intended to be competitive and we confirm we are eligible to participate in public procurement and meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Invitation to Bid. We confirm that the prices quoted are fixed and firm for the duration of the validity period and will not be subject to revision or variation.

We, the Bidder confirm the documents attached to this offer are those validated by us in the Section 2 Paragraph 6 . Bidder's checklist.

We understand that NRC is not bound to accept the lowest, or indeed any bid, received.
We agree that NRC may verify the information provided in this form itself or through a third party as it may deem necessary.

We confirm that NRC may in its consideration of our offer, and subsequently, rely on the statements made herein.
Name of Signatory: Tel N°:
Title of Signatory: Name of Company:
Signature & stamp:

Date of Signing:

Work Schedule

The below schedule shall be followed starting from the date on which the Contractor will be given access to the site and receive a notice from the NRC Engineer to commence the Works and ending on the date of substantial completion of Works stated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion.
Area & Lot School Duration (in months with calendar days)
Lot A - North Tal Al Ziraa Mixed Public School 60 days
Al Mourabia Souad Al Masri Public School For Girls 30 days
Fnaydek Public School for Boys 30 days
Ibn Khaldoun Mixed Public School for Boys 14 days
Bebnine public school for Boys 14 days
Baddawi Elementary Mixed Public School 14 days
Lot B - Bekaa Bar Elias Elementary Public School 60 days
Sohmor First Public School 60 days
Kamid El Lawz Intermediate Public School 60 days
Aarsal Forth Public School 60 days
Lot C - BML Haret Hreik First Mixed Public School 60 days
Burj Hammoud Third Mixed Intermediate Public School 60 days

Bidder must designate different teams to work on multiple lots as the work is required to be done in parallel.

The Contractor shall prepare and include in their Technical Proposal:
i. Construction Schedule or Work plan:
A Commercial Grade Project Management Software must be used to establish the critical path and project milestones.
NB: This same software will be required for the project's duration for managing it, including reporting on progress and adherence to budget. The Evaluation Committee will not accept excel format.
ii. Proposed Construction Method of statement.
The bidder’s Preliminary schedule/Work Plan (with the narrative) shows the bidder’s capacity to plan and execute the works within timelines consistent with the project requirements as stated in the ITB.
The preliminary schedule shows all the activities with planned start and end period, resource assignment, mobilization period etc. all fit within the specified contract period and contains execution narrative (write-up).
The Construction Schedule shall show duration in tentative dates of each of the Project’s construction activities with linked activities and critical-path activities. The Schedule should be human resource loaded. The Contractor is encouraged to include in his Technical Proposal a detailed Construction Method Statement; However, if awarded, the contractor must submit Method Statement specific for the project upon contract signature.

Ethical Standards Declaration for all Supply, Service and Works Contractors

We, the undersigned, (‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’) CONSIDERING THAT:
FIRST, we are bidding for, or entering into, a contract with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) to supply goods, services or works to NRC (‘the Contract’).
SECOND, we understand that as a humanitarian organisation, NRC expects its suppliers and contractors to have high ethical standards.
THIRD, we understand that NRC therefore needs us to confirm that we adhere to the required ethical standards (‘the ethical standards’) by signing this declaration (‘the Declaration’).

1. Declaration concerning compliance with applicable laws and these ethical standards
We declare that we shall:
a. Meet the ethical standards in this declaration (‘ethical standards’)
b. Ensure that any party representing us, including but not limited to:
• board members
• directors
• employees
• contractors or sub-contractors, and their employees
• consultants and sub-consultants, and their employees;
• other legal representatives
(‘our Representatives’) are aware of and comply with these ethical standards.

In the event that we, or our Representatives, do not meet the ethical standards at present, we shall:
a. Explain to NRC in what way we do not currently meet the ethical standards
b. Agree a plan and timeline with NRC to implement changes that allow us to meet the ethical standards
c. Provide regular updates to NRC on the implementation plan.

2. Declaration concerning status
We hereby declare that neither we, nor to the best if our knowledge our Representatives, are in any of the following situations:
2.1. Have made an offer, payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which constitutes illegal or corrupt practice, directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward in relation to the tendering, awarding or execution of the Contract.
2.2. Are involved in any form of fraud, corruption, collusion, coercive practice, bribery, involvement in a criminal organisation or other illegal activity
2.3. Are insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt, or being wound up
2.4. Have suspended activities
2.5. Are subject to legal proceedings related to 2.1
2.6. Have at any time been found guilty and sentenced by a court, whether in the country of employment or abroad, for a criminal offence in respect of children or vulnerable adults
2.7. Are engaged in:
• terrorism or the material support of terrorism
• the sale or manufacture, either directly or indirectly, of anti-personnel mines or any components produced primarily for the operation thereof
• the sale or manufacture, either directly or indirectly, of weapons
• the production of alcohol, tobacco, or pornography.

3. Declaration concerning Conflicts of Interest
We declare that neither we nor, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives have an undisclosed conflict of interest with NRC.
Where any potential conflict of interest exists between our Representatives and NRC or any NRC staff member, we shall notify NRC in writing of the potential conflict. NRC shall then determine whether action is required.
A conflict of interest can be due to a relationship with an NRC staff member such as family or friends.
We understand that if we fail to report a potential conflict of interest and are later found to have a conflict of interest, we may be removed from the NRC vendor database.

4. Declaration concerning compliance with national law
We declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives:
4.1. comply with all applicable laws and regulations in effect in the country or countries where the Contract will be carried out.
4.2. comply with all applicable export laws concerning the country or countries where the Contract will be carried out.
4.3. are registered with the relevant government authority with regard to taxation for the duration of the Contract.
4.4. pay taxes according to all applicable national laws and regulations for the duration of the Contract.

5. Declaration concerning compliance with labour standards
We declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives:
We declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives comply with applicable national labour law standards and the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Specifically, we declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives comply with the following minimum labour standards:

5.1. Working Conditions
a. All workers receive a contract of employment that is written in a language they understand.
b. All workers are free to leave after giving reasonable notice.
c. All workers have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.
d. No worker is required to lodge ‘deposits’ or identity papers or immigration documents in order to obtain employment.
5.2. Wages and benefits
a. Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. Wages are always sufficient to meet basic needs.
b. No deductions from wages are made as a disciplinary measure.
5.3. Working time
a. Working hours comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards, whichever affords greater protection. Whenever possible working hours do not exceed 48 hours per week (8 hours per day).
b. Workers are provided with at least one day off for every 7-day period.
5.4. Health and safety
a. Steps are taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in, the course of work, by minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.
b. Workers receive regular and documented health and safety training, and such training is repeated for new workers.
c. Workers have access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water, and, if appropriate, sanitary facilities for food storage is provided.
d. Accommodation, where provided, is clean, safe and adequately ventilated.
5.5. Discrimination and abuse
a. No worker is forced, bonded or an involuntary prison worker.
b. There is no discrimination at the workplace based on ethnic background, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
c. Measures are in place to protect workers from sexually intrusive, threatening, insulting or exploitative behaviour, and from discrimination or termination of employment on unjustifiable grounds, e.g. marriage, pregnancy, parenthood or HIV status.
d. Physical abuse or punishment, or threats of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse, as well as other forms of intimidation, are prohibited.
5.6. Persons under 18
a. No persons under the age of 18 shall be engaged in work which is hazardous to their health or safety, including night work.
b. The working hours and nature of work of any worker who is under the age of 18 shall not interfere with their opportunity to complete his or her education.

6. Declaration concerning the environmental standards
We declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives comply with applicable national environmental law standards and with international environmental standards, to the greatest extent possible.
Specifically, we declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives adhere to the following standards:
6.1. We respect national and international environmental legislation and regulation.
6.2. We ensure that production and extraction of raw materials for production does not contribute to the destruction of the resources and income base for marginalised populations, such as in claiming large land areas or other natural resources on which these populations are dependent.
6.3. We take environmental measures into consideration throughout the production and distribution chain ranging from the production of raw material to the consumer sale. This includes reasonable steps to minimise negative environmental impacts (e.g. emissions, water usage, waste) and to use - where possible - sustainable resources. Local, regional and global environmental aspects shall be considered. The local environment at the production site will not be exploited or degraded by pollution and waste.
6.4. We carefully manage hazardous chemicals and other substances in accordance with documented safety procedures.

7. Declaration concerning protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
We and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives comply with international standards related to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and sexual harassment.
Specifically, we declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives adhere to the following standards:
7.1. We take sexual misconduct seriously and ensure that any employee found to have carried out sexual misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action.
7.2. We will ensure, that none of our employees engage in any sexual activity with persons (adult or child) in relation with this contract regardless of the age of majority or consent locally.
7.3. We will ensure that none of our employees produce, procure, distribute or use sexually explicit material in any activities under the Contract or on any sites used under the Contract.
7.4. We will ensure that none of our employees will exchange money, employment, goods or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading, or exploitative behaviour. This prohibition extends to any use of sex trade workers. If any sexual misconduct is found to have taken place, such employees face disciplinary action.
7.5. We shall report any incident or complaint of sexual misconduct or child abuse related to the activities carried out under the Contract through NRC’s PSEA and Safeguarding Unit at psea@nrc.no.
7.6. We shall report any known or reported sexual relationship between our employees and NRC staff to NRC.

8. Declaration concerning protection of children
We declare that neither we nor, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives are engaged in any practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We commit to upholding international and national laws and policies regarding child safeguarding.
Specifically, we declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives adhere to the following standards:
8.1. We support and protect the complainant, survivors and witnesses of any raised incidents or complaints of sexual misconduct or child abuse.
8.2. We will ensure, that our employees will not abuse or exploit children or act in a manner that may place a child at risk of harm.
8.3. We will ensure that our employees are not left alone with children.
8.4. We will ensure our employees will not ask children for personal contact details without a valid reason to do so.
8.5. We listen, to the best of our ability, to children’s views and opinions and treat boys and girls in a manner that is respectful of their rights and dignity during the performance of the Contract.
8.6. We shall report any suspicion of child safeguarding concerns through the Complaints and Feedback Mechanism, provided by the NRC contract focal point and at psea@nrc.no.

9. Declaration concerning anti-human trafficking
We declare that neither we nor, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives are engaged in trafficking in persons as defined in the protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons or the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
Specifically, we declare that we and, to the best of our knowledge, our Representatives adhere to the following standards:
9.1. We do not solicit persons for the purpose of employment, or offer employment by means of materially false or fraudulent pretences, representations, or promises.
9.2. We do not charge employees recruitment fees.
9.3. We do not provide or arrange housing for employees that does not meet host country housing and safety standards.
9.4. We commit to report any suspected violations of this clause to NRC immediately.
9.5. We commit to make our Representatives aware of the trafficking related prohibitions outlined above and share the Global Human Trafficking Hotline Information with them (1-844-888-FREE, help@befree.org).

10. General
We understand that:
10.1. The Declaration will be kept on file for a period of 10 years.
10.2. The Declaration will be updated every year or more often as appropriate.
10.3. We must inform NRC immediately in the event that there is a change to the Declaration.
10.4. NRC may perform checks to verify that the ethical standards are adhered to and shall be granted reasonable access to our premises and to our documentation, computer systems etc, in order to be allowed to do so.
10.5. In the event that NRC deem that we fail to meet or are not taking appropriate steps to meet, the ethical standards, NRC may immediately terminate any and all contracts and agreements we have with them and at no cost to NRC.

11. Requirement to notify NRC
We shall immediately notify NRC through the Complaints and Feedback Mechanism, provided by the NRC contract focal point if:
11.1. Any allegations of alleged corruption, sexual exploitation or abuse, or child abuse are made against us or, to the best our knowledge, our Representatives, during the Contract, whether relating to the Contract or not.
11.2. Any allegations are made, or any changes occur, in relation to any of the declarations made herein

Signed on our behalf as follows:
AFD Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Social and Environmental Responsibility

Reference name of the bid or proposal: ____________________________________ (The "Contract")
To: Norwegian Refugee Council - NRC_(The "Contracting Authority")
1) We recognise and accept that Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") only finances projects of the Contracting Authority subject to its own conditions which are set out in the Financing Agreement which benefits directly or indirectly to the Contracting Authority. As a matter of consequence, no legal relationship exists between AFD and our company, our joint venture or our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants. The Contracting Authority retains exclusive responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the procurement process and performance of the contract. The Contracting Authority means the Purchaser, the Employer, the Client, as the case may be, for the procurement of goods, works, plants, consulting services or non-consulting services.
2) We hereby certify that neither we nor any other member of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants are in any of the following situations:
2.1) Being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by the courts, having entered into receivership, reorganisation or being in any analogous situation arising from any similar procedure;
2.2) Having been:
a. convicted within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata in the country where the Contract is implemented, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract (in the event of such conviction, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this conviction is not relevant in the context of this Contract);
b. subject to an administrative sanction within the past five years by the European Union or by the competent authorities of the country where we are constituted, for fraud, corruption or for any other offense committed during a procurement process or performance of a contract (in the event of such sanction, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this sanction is not relevant in the context of this Contract);
c. convicted within the past five years by a court decision, which has the force of res judicata, of fraud, corruption or of any other offense committed during the procurement process or performance of an AFD-financed contract;
2.3) Being listed for financial sanctions by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France for the purposes of fight-against-terrorist financing or threat to international peace and security;
2.4) Having been subject within the past five years to a contract termination fully settled against us for significant or persistent failure to comply with our contractual obligations during contract performance, unless this termination was challenged and dispute resolution is still pending or has not confirmed a full settlement against us;
2.5) Not having fulfilled our fiscal obligations regarding payments of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of either the country where we are constituted or the Contracting Authority's country;
2.6) Being subject to an exclusion decision of the World Bank and being listed on the website http://www.worldbank.org/debarr (in the event of such exclusion, you may attach to this Statement of Integrity supporting information showing that this exclusion is not relevant in the context of this Contract);
2.7) Having created false documents or committed misrepresentation in documentation requested by the Contracting Authority as part of the procurement process of this Contract.
3) We hereby certify that neither we, nor any of the members of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants are in any of the following situations of conflict of interest:
3.1) Being an affiliate controlled by the Contracting Authority or a shareholder controlling the Contracting Authority, unless the stemming conflict of interest has been brought to the attention of AFD and resolved to its satisfaction;
3.2) Having a business or family relationship with a Contracting Authority's staff involved in the procurement process or the supervision of the resulting Contract, unless the stemming conflict of interest has been brought to the attention of AFD and resolved to its satisfaction;
3.3) Being controlled by or controlling another bidder or consultant, or being under common control with another bidder or consultant, or receiving from or granting subsidies directly or indirectly to another bidder or consultant, having the same legal representative as another bidder or consultant, maintaining direct or indirect contacts with another bidder or consultant which allows us to have or give access to information contained in the respective applications, bids or proposals, influencing them or influencing decisions of the Contracting Authority;
3.4) Being engaged in a consulting services activity, which, by its nature, may be in conflict with the assignments that we would carry out for the Contracting Authority;
3.5) In the case of procurement of goods, works or plants:
i. Having prepared or having been associated with a consultant who prepared specifications, drawings, calculations and other documentation to be used in the procurement process of this Contract;
ii. Having been recruited (or being proposed to be recruited) ourselves or any of our affiliates, to carry out works supervision or inspection for this Contract;
4) If we are a state-owned entity, and to compete in a procurement process, we certify that we have legal and financial autonomy and that we operate under commercial laws and regulations.
5) We undertake to bring to the attention of the Contracting Authority, which will inform AFD, any change in situation with regard to points 2 to 4 here above.
6) In the context of the procurement process and performance of the corresponding contract:
6.1) We have not and we will not engage in any dishonest conduct (act or omission) deliberately indented to deceive others, to intentionally conceal items, to violate or vitiate someone's consent, to make them circumvent legal or regulatory requirements and/or to violate their internal rules in order to obtain illegitimate profit;
6.2) We have not and we will not engage in any dishonest conduct (act or omission) contrary to our legal or regulatory obligations or our internal rules in order to obtain illegitimate profit;
6.3) We have not promised, offered or given and we will not promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly to (i) any Person who holds a legislative, executive, administrative or judicial mandate within the State of the Contracting Authority regardless of whether that Person was nominated or elected, regardless of the permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid nature of the position and regardless of the hierarchical level the Person occupies, (ii) any other Person who performs a public function, including for a State institution or a State-owned company, or who provides a public service, or (iii) any other person defined as a Public Officer by the national laws of the Contracting Authority’s country, an undue advantage of any kind, for himself or for another Person or entity, for such Public Officer to act or refrain from acting in his official capacity;
6.4) We have not promised, offered or given and we will not promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly to any Person who occupies an executive position in a private sector entity or works for such an entity, regardless of the nature of his/her capacity, any undue advantage of any kind, for himself or another Person or entity for such Person to perform or refrain from performing any act in breach of its legal, contractual or professional obligations;
6.5) We have not and we will not engage in any practice likely to influence the contract award process to the detriment of the Contracting Authority and, in particular, in any anti-competitive practice having for object or for effect to prevent, restrict or distort competition, namely by limiting access to the market or the free exercise of competition by other undertakings;
6.6) Neither we nor any of the members of our joint venture or any of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants shall acquire or supply any equipment nor operate in any sectors under an embargo of the United Nations, the European Union or France;
6.7) We commit ourselves to comply with and ensure that all of our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants comply with international environmental and labour standards, consistent with laws and regulations applicable in the country of implementation of the Contract, including the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and international environmental treaties. Moreover, we shall implement environmental and social risks mitigation measures when specified in the environmental and social commitment plan (ESCP) provided by the Contracting Authority.
7) We, as well as members of our joint venture and our suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants or subconsultants authorise AFD to inspect accounts, records and other documents relating to the procurement process and performance of the contract and to have them audited by auditors appointed by AFD.

Name: In the capacity of:
Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of3:
Signature: Dated:


Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

Table of Contents

1. Roles and Responsibilities 42
1.1 Project Executing Agency 42
1.2 Contractors 43
1.3 Training 43
2. Project Standards (National and International) 44
3. Stakeholder Engagement and Accountability to Affected population (Grievance) Mechanism 46
4. Register of E&S Aspects 47
4.1 Planning and Design 47
4.2 Project Implementation - ESMP 48
4.2.1 General Requirements for ESHS Management 48
5. ESMP Monitoring 63
5.1 ESMP monitoring schedule 63
5.2 Example for an ESMP Monitoring Table 65

1. Roles and Responsibilities

1.1 Project Executing Agency
NRC act as the Project Implementing Agency (PIA), in close coordination with the relevant ministry of Education and other stakeholders, including AFD, students, teachers, parents, municipality and the respective contractors. NRC will supervise contractors that will implement the program, according to predefined quality standards for the execution works.
• Undertake assessment and agree on the scope of work and proposed design and intervention in agreement with MEHE.
• Ensuring compliance with all relevant national legislation, as well as with the environmental controls and mitigation measures contained in this ESMP.
• Ensure that the design and planning is in compliance with national requirements and aligned with international best practice.
• Monitoring the performance and the environmental and social performance of contractors and sub-contractors used for providing workforce, supplies, and services.
• Acting as point of contact for consultation and feedback to stakeholders and the public (stakeholder engagement).
• Training of workers to raise awareness in the fields of E&S topics and in general implementation of this ESMP.

NRC will be responsible for the revision or updates of this document and relevant management plans during Program implementation. Personnel working on the Program have accountability for preventing or minimizing environmental and social impacts.
For construction activities, the designated site supervisor will be responsible for daily inspections (e.g. environmental inspections, Occupational Health & Safety) of the construction site. When working through third-party and contractors, these will be responsible for the day-to-day compliance of the ESMP at the specific project site.

Position Responsibility
Head of Programs Links Program to NRC’s overall portfolio to ensure, where possible, feasible and desirable, NRC takes a holistic integrated view. Ensure ESMP process is in line with NRC program strategies and best practices are adopted for similar projects within Lebanon.
WASH Specialist Overall ownership of the ESMP implementation and overall quality monitoring – engagement with AFD
Environmental and Social Safeguarding Officer Responsible for the development of the E&S instruments required for each of the sub-projects, the monitoring of the implementation of the planned mitigation measures and the quality control for their implementation.
Project Managers Responsible for the implementation of the recommendation and mitigation measures presented in the E&S instruments developed for each of the Program sites, each within their area of responsibility.
(i.e. components and geographical)
M&E Manager Support in the development of the processes needed for the monitoring and evaluation of the E&S instruments and the ESMP implementation

1.2 Contractors
The Contractor is required to fulfil the commitments as set out in this ESMP and also to ensure that its sub-contractors fulfil the ESMP. This includes the following:
• Conduct monitoring and on-site audits to verify implementation of the ESMP and report on findings to NRC.
• Communicate any environmental issues and incidents to NRC immediately.
• Support the NRC with the training of the workers to raise awareness in the fields of E&S topics and in general implementation of this ESMP.
The contractor will be responsible in adhering to the actions outlined in the ESMP as well as hiring a designated safety officer to ensure that all environmental and social aspects are respected.
The contractor will be having double layered monitoring in which one layers is the safety officer appointed by the contractor and the other layer is NRC site supervisor which will be available on site on day to day basis.

1.3 Training
NRC will provide an Induction Training to all its employees and Contractor personnel working on the Project before early works start. This Induction Training shall be conducted for all new workers, also if they join the site later during execution. The goal of the training is for NRC employees and Contractor personnel (including sub-contractors) to understand:
• The mitigation measures included in this ESMP and how it will be implemented on site including responsibilities.
• The sensitivities of the area (if any) in which the Project will be constructed and operated.
• Occupational Health and Safety (H&S) rules at the construction site (e.g. personal protective equipment, rules of conduct, first aid);
• The Project’s Grievance Mechanism and the basic worker’s rights (see 8 Core Labor Standards below);
• How to deal with enquiries/ questions/ grievances by the public/ local stakeholders.
• Interaction rules with the people living close to the site (Code of Conduct) and how to deal with unauthorized visitors to the site;
• How to deal with unforeseen incidents/ emergency situations.
• The roles and responsibilities within the PEA, the Contractors, sub-contractors and workers with respect to environmental and social issues.

NRC keeps records of the training sessions. The training will be repeated as needed during the execution activities.
It is in the responsibility of NRC and the Contractor to prepare a detailed training plan, especially for the execution workers.
2. Project Standards (National and International)

For each project respective national legislation needs to be respected:
• National legal context with regard to e.g.:
o Labour
o Occupational and Community Health and Safety
o Environment
o Land Acquisition and compensation o Permit and Monitoring requirements o Contractor management
The management and mitigation measures outlined in this document (especially Chapter 6) are aligned with international best practice standards for the management of E&S risks. Reference sources are:
• 8 Core Labour Standards from the International Labour Organisation (ILO):
1. Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87)
2. Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)
3. Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)
4. Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105)
5. Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)
6. Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182)
7. Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100)
8. Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)
The list of countries adhering to the Core Labour Standards is shown here:
• Sustainability Guideline of KfW Development Bank
• World Bank Environmental and Social Standards https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/environmental-and-socialhttps://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/environmental-and-social-framework/brief/environmental-and-social-standardsframework/brief/environmental-and-social-standards
• EHS Guidelines from the World Bank Group (general and project scope specific):www.ifc.org/ehsguidelines
• Management Guidelines of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO): http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/127e4e07-030b-45df-b848http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/127e4e07-030b-45df-b848-71813591857c/71813591857c/
• Guidelines from the World Health Organisation (WHO): http://www.who.int/phe/health_topics/outdoorair/outdoorair_aqg/en/; http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/gdwq4-1sthttp://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/gdwq4-1st-addendum/en/addendum/en/;http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/sanitationhttp://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/sanitation-waste/wastewater/wastewater-guidelines/en/waste/wastewater/wastewater-guidelines/en/
• International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID ) http://icid.org/
The main national legal framework which is considered in the framework of this ESIA are the following:
• Law 444/2002 related to Environment Protection, and its related Application Decree No. 8633/2012 on the Fundamentals for Environmental Impact Assessment.
• Application Decree 2366/2009 related to the National Physical Master Plan for the Lebanese Territory (NPMPLT) covering land use and zoning of lands.
• MOE Decision No. 52/1 of 29 July 1996 setting air quality standards, including thresholds for air pollutants and safe noise exposure limits. Further, all development projects must adhere to the environmental quality standards for air, water and soil (MOE Decision 52/1 of 1996) as well as to air emission standards and wastewater discharge (MOE Decision No 8/1 of 2001).

Further, public participation ensures that the concerns of all stakeholders are clearly documented and thus addressed as part of the decision-making process of the Project. Public participation and engagement are integral to the ESIA process and a pre-requisite of the national EIA regulations in Lebanon as well as the other Applicable Standards followed by the Project.

For the EIA report, Article 12 of the decree related to “Information Publication” confirms the right of the public and the parties involved in the project to have access to the final EIA Report.

Moreover, Law 28 of 2017 on the Right to Access to Information has confirmed the right of any person to access information and documents available within the administration.

As such, the national regulations require an initiation of the consultation process supporting public participation at the outset of the EIA/ESIA process and allow continuous access to information related to the Project, which applies and is to be sustained throughout the exeuction and operations phases of the Project.

3. Stakeholder Engagement and Accountability to Affected population (Grievance) Mechanism

NRC will ensure that the local communities are informed at an early stage about the planned Project, timelines, expected impacts and communication channels and will assign personnel in charge of the engagement with stakeholders. NRC will also seek for feedback from the communities about the Project. As part of its community liaison process, NRC will initiate and implement a Grievance Mechanism to ensure that all stakeholder comments, suggestions and objections are captured and considered. It will allow the affected community and the workers to express their concerns and any complaints directly to NRC. Contact details and information on the procedure, including grievance form, will be distributed to the local communities. It is envisaged that in general, grievances will be responded to within 20 working days after receipt.

All comments and complaints will be investigated by NRC and appropriate action taken as necessary. Records of all complaints and actions will be maintained on site.

4. Register of E&S Aspects
4.1 Planning and Design
The Project will be planned and designed by NRC with the following basic considerations:
• Avoid land acquisition of private land and resettlement of persons.
• Avoid forests, protected areas or ecologically sensitive areas.
• Avoid culturally sensitive areas (e.g. places of worship, holy trees).
• Design the Project to:
o Ensure that key/ routine maintenance and operations can be implemented by the community/beneficiaries.
o Apply low-maintenance solutions in the design of buildings, e.g. based on other buildings of the same type in the region.
o Account for proper ventilation and adequate resistance to severe weather or natural disasters.
o If feasible, develop a maintenance plan with the beneficiaries of the building.
• Plan the Project to make use of local resources to avoid traffic and associated impacts to the communities.
• Plan the Project so as to minimize use of natural resources (material, water, land).
• Plan the Project in a climate-friendly way so as to minimize its carbon footprint and tap into the mitigation potential of the building and construction industry.
• Engage with the persons living in the area around the Project site (including neighbours, local decision makers) early in the planning process and throughout execution activities to inform them about the planned activities and also seek for their feedback around potential sensitivities (protected areas, places of worship, holy trees etc.). Site visits and discussions with the local population should be conducted throughout the design and planning phase. A grievance mechanism will be designed and established for workers and the public during the planning phase already.
• The works, in particular the external works, would require community engagement. For works ongoing within the building there is need to ensure that adequate means are utilized to disseminate the information.
• Public gatherings is a common approach to stakeholder consultation. However, where there is a disease outbreak this approach to stakeholder engagement will need to change. There are numerous alternatives that may be used. However, the key criteria for stakeholder engagement remains the same, and that is meaningful dialogue with project affected people with attention given to the most vulnerable. The method used for stakeholder consultation must allow for feedback and suggestions to be provided by stakeholders.
• Recommended approaches for community, municipality and MoPH engagement during a COVID-19 outbreak are listed below.
o Avoid public gatherings (taking into account national restrictions), including public hearings, workshops and community meetings;
o If smaller meetings are permitted, conduct consultations in small-group sessions of no more than 10 people, such as focus group meetings held in an outside area with chairs placed 6 feet apart;
o If in person meetings are not permitted, make efforts to conduct meetings through online channels, including WebEx, Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype;
o Try social media and online channels to share activity information. The Distance Vector Routing Protocol DVRP has a Facebook Page which should be used to allow for such exchanges. Where possible and appropriate, create dedicated online platforms and chat groups appropriate for the purpose;
o Employ traditional channels of communications (TV, newspaper, radio, dedicated phone lines, and mail) if a stakeholder does not have access to online channels or does not use them frequently;
o Where direct engagement with project affected people or beneficiaries is necessary, identify channels for direct communication with each affected household via a combination of email messages, mail, online platforms, dedicated phone lines with knowledgeable operators, or direct calling by the project team.
• Hire unskilled workers and skilled workers, if available, from the local communities to encourage social growth and development in the region.
• Conduct Induction Training for workers as outlined in this ESMP before start of execution.
• Establish core E&S procedures already at the planning stage. This includes as a minimum:
o Incident Reporting (fatal accidents, medical treatment cases; first aid cases; restricted work injuries; near misses; environmental events).
o Grievance Mechanism (one combined mechanism for workers and community).
o Recruitment Procedure for the upcoming execution phase.
o Training Procedures/ Training material as outlined above (Occupational H&S; Community H&S; environmental sensitivities).
o Work site/ execution site risk assessment and corresponding H&S Plan.

4.2 Project Implementation - ESMP
4.2.1 General Requirements for ESHS Management

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
A. General Requirements for ESHS Management
A1. Responsibilities and Liabilities Ensure that all workers, suppliers and possible subcontractors are familiar and comply with the ESHS requirements and specifications of this ESMP. Induction training performed and recorded.
Contracts with subcontractor s and suppliers Contractor/ NRC Review of training records
Review of Contracts to ensure that Project requirements are included
Adjust this ESMP to the specific project, define the frequency of the monitoring procedure and share it AFD.
Identify if further Management Plans have to be prepared. Final Project specific ESMP Contractor/ NRC Review prior to finalization of Project-specific ESMP
A4. Resources allocated to ESHS Management Assign ESHS responsible staff and define the requirements and responsibilities. Responsible for contact with stakeholders (Relations officer or Community Liaison officer) Final Project specific ESMP
Inform the relevant authorities about the ESHS responsible. Contractor/ NRC Review prior to finalization of Project-specific ESMP
A6. Reporting Reporting of progress and incidents, accidents, observations, near misses. Final Project specific ESMP
Reporting protocol for ESHS incidents
Non conformity report
Incident reporting document Contractor/ NRC Review once prior to finalization of Project-specific ESMP
Review the Non conformity report

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
A7. Code of Conduct Establish a Code of Conduct taking into consideration legislation, safety rules, substance abuse, environmental sensitivity, communicable diseases, gender issues (sexual harassment), respect for local beliefs and customs, community interactions etc. Code of Conduct in place and rules shared with personnel Contractor/ NRC Review of Code of Conduct induction records
Review of reported punishable or misconduct behavior
Review of grievance records
A8. ESHS Training Provide H&S induction and training and awareness to the workforce regarding H&S risks and mitigation measures (including indirect workers) tailored to Project scope. Training performed and recorded
NRC and the contractor are both involved in this training
Health and Safety induction checklist Contractor/ NRC Review of training records
Review the Health and Safety induction checklist
B. Protection of the Environment
B10. Protection of adjacent areas Restrict excavation activities during periods of intense rainfall. Use temporary bunding to reduce the risk of sediment, oil or chemical spills to the receiving waters. No excavation during intense rainfall Contractor/ NRC Check weather forecast and inspect the site conditions prior to excavation.
Ensure that work site boundaries and limits are in accordance with plans agreed upon in advance. All construction activities should be carried out within boundaries. Marking the borders of works site boundaries and usage of warning signs
Limit access to working area to NRC and Contractor’s staff
Excavation checklist Contractor/ NRC Site inspection prior to commencement of activities.
Review the Excavation checklist

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Minimize visual impacts Visual inspection and comparison with adjacent undisturbed areas.
Avoid leaving un-attended construction waste or storing the waste for a long period before dumping it Contractor /NRC Review of grievance records
B11. Selection of borrow areas, backfill material stockpile sites and access road Deposit any excess material in areas approved by local authorities Designated areas selected and approved by NRC Contractor / NRC Once during site selection
Locate disposal site on low value land. Designated areas selected and approved by NRC Contractor / NRC Once during site selection
B12. Pollution prevention Ensure all works carried out minimize pollution risk (e.g. liquid effluents, air emissions, noise and vibration management, vehicle and equipment maintenance and selection, fuel, oil and chemical storage and handling) including the whole duration of the Project. Ensure that potential pollutants are not stored and handled within 50m of sensitive receptors (particularly watercourses)
Environmental Site Inspection checklist Contractor / NRC Regular site inspection
Review of grievance records
Review the Environmental Site Inspection checklist
B13. Effluents Ensure appropriate containment and storage of construction wastewater, including sanitary water. No untreated effluent is discharged. No untreated wastewater discharge Contractor/ NRC Regular site inspection
Review of grievance records
Oil/fuel spills:
Ensure the safety of the responsible personnel as well as avoid spills. Fuel spills must be cleared/ Construction Site Checklist
Contractor/ NRC Review of grievance records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
B14. Emissions and dust Use to the extent possible, vehicles in appropriate technical conditions. Provide emissions control equipment where applicable (e.g. filters). Technical Specification Sheet
Written communication from NRC concerning contractor’s vehicles Contractor/ NRC Prior to commencement of works and each time new equipment/vehicle is used at the site.
Review of grievance records
Visual inspection on regular basis
Use low Sulphur content fuels, in line with legal provisions in force as well as local availability. Technical Specification Sheet Contractor / NRC Regular documentation inspection
Ensure vehicles are switched off when not in use.
Sensitize drivers. Engines switched off Contractor / NRC Site inspection
Ensure speed limits on site.
Sensitize drivers. Speed signs installed
Training performed and recorded
Accident/incident reports
Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
Review of grievance records
Review of accident/incident records
Review of training records
B15. Noise and vibration Avoid operations and vehicle movements at night. No work conducted between 10 pm and 7 am
No grievances received Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
Review of grievance records
Review of accident/incident records
Review of training records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Set traffic speed limits. Sensitize drivers. Speed limit signs
Training Records as part of Induction training Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
Review of grievance records
Review of accident/incident records
Review of training records
Locate stationary equipment (such as power generators) as far as possible from nearby receptors (e.g. worker resting areas, populated areas and environmentally sensitive areas). Make sure that noise levels don’t exceed 120db in case of equipment or vehicle use. Distances between equipment and receptors are kept Contractor/ NRC Once prior to commencement of works
Monitor noise levels in case equipment is used
Review of grievance records

B16. Waste Management Identify waste management facilities and waste management contractors.
Ensure disposal through waste contractors licensed for treatment/removal/recycling of each of the waste types. Waste management through licensed contractors, if feasible
Waste management contracts
Waste transfer notes Contractor/ NRC Inspect waste management facilities
Proof of contractors’ certifications
Review of waste transfer records
Ensure that all wastes produced are properly collected, segregated, stored, transported and treated Waste collection areas existent, waste inventories
Waste transfer notes Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection, Review of waste inventories
Review of waste transfer records
Hazardous wastes shall be collected and stored prior to disposal as per the requirements of the Solid Waste Management Plan. Solid Waste Management Plan Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection,
Review of waste transfer records
Metal, cardboard and plastic will be recycled, where local facilities exist and waste that cannot be recycled will be collected and securely stored prior to disposal at a licensed facility. Solid Waste Management Plan Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection,
Review of waste transfer records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Minimize the waste production to the extent possible. Records of waste production are kept
Waste Management Plan
Training performed and recorded Contractor/ NRC Monitor (e.g. monthly) the amount of waste produced
Review of training records
Document all waste related operations (type of wastes, quantities produced etc.). Storage, transport and treatment of waste is documented
Waste transfer notes
Waste inventories Contractor/ NRC Review of waste transfer records
Review of waste inventories
B17. Vegetation clearing Limit vegetation clearing to areas within the site boundary where it is strictly necessary. Vegetation clearing minimal
Marking the borders of works site boundaries Contractor/ NRC Site inspection prior to commencement of activities.
Describe the methods of vegetation clearance. Ensure that no chemicals/pesticides are used, burning of vegetation is restricted etc. Do not clear vegetation more than two months in advance of operations No use of fires or chemicals on site
Marking the borders of works site boundaries
Usage of warning signs Contractor/ NRC Site inspection prior to commencement of activities.
Site inspection during site clearance

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Avoid clearing mature trees and endangered species. No mature trees cleared Contractor/ NRC Site inspection prior to commencement of activities.
B19. Erosion control measures If construction takes place on inclined surfaces/slopes, ensure preventive erosion control measures are applied (e.g. plan to retain trees and other vegetation, use of natural contours for roads and drainage networks, excavated drainage channels). Preventive temporary and permanent erosion control measures in place
Landscape and bio restoration plan in place Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection to check if measures where applied
Ensure that topsoil is stripped and stored properly. After construction, topsoil will be used for restoration of the area. Topsoil should not be mixed with subsoil, therefore needs to be stored separately. Topsoil stored and re-used for restoration. Contractor/ NRC Monitor if topsoil is properly stripped and stored
Optimal stockpiling. Stockpile height limited Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
B20. Site rehabilitation Ensure revegetation and restoration of cleared areas where possible after construction using native species. Revegetation completed Contractor/ NRC One-time inspection after construction
Ensure that rehabilitated areas don’t pose health and safety risks (such as holes, ponds). Reinstatement completed Contractor/ NRC Inspection after construction
Inspection after heavy rainfalls and snow
Reinstatement of construction working area to the best possible after construction activities are completed. Reinstatement completed Contractor/ NRC One-time inspection after construction
Inspection after heavy rainfalls and snow

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Rehabilitate borrow areas, backfill material stockpile sites and access roads, where applicable. Rehabilitation completed Contractor/ NRC One-time inspection after construction
Inspection after heavy rainfalls and snow
C. Health and Safety
C22. Health and Safety Plan Develop a Health and Safety Plan which will include a risk register and safe work method statements. H&S Plan in place Contractor/ NRC Review of H&S

Power house, distribution network and civil works include:
During construction, dug plots/holes must be re-filled after excavation. Hazardous substances used during construction (such as paint and other chemicals) much be properly disposed.

Construction works must be undertaken in a way to minimize generation of unnecessary amounts of dust, and noise levels H&S Plan in place

Supplier/ Contractor/ NRC Review of H&S Plan

C24. Accident reporting Ensure all H&S related incidents (e.g. observations, accidents) on site are recorded and followed up properly.
Incident recording process in place Contractor/ NRC Check incident/accident records
C28. Personal protective equipment Ensure the provision of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for workers (hardhats, masks, safety glasses, safety boots etc. depending on project type).

All workers will be provided with hard hats, hearing protection, high visibility jackets and covered boots.

PPE used by everyone on-site
Training performed and recorded
Construction Site Checklist Contractor/Site Manager Random site inspection
Review training records
Review Construction Site Checklist
C31. Emergency scenarios prevention Ensure immediate cleaning of any spills and remediation of contaminated areas after construction. Workers trained.
Emergency Response Team (ERT) is in place Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection after spill events
One-time inspection after construction
Review of training records Review of ERT
Provide necessary prevention equipment and teams on site in line with applicable regulations to respond to emergency scenarios e.g. fire, explosion, floods, natural hazards etc. Prevention equipment and team is in place
Training performed and recorded Contractor/ NRC Regular site inspection
Review list of equipment Review of ERT
Review of training records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Maintain high standard in housekeeping on site. Construction materials and light equipment should be stored properly. Visual verification of good housekeeping on-site Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
C33. First-aid Ensure minimum first aid provisions on site (suitably stocked first aid kits; a person, respectively an adequate number of first-aid helpers and ensure that staff and workers are informed about first-aid arrangements) Suitable first aid kits on site
Ensure the presence of first aid helpers in all shifts
First aid certificates Contractor/ NRC Regular monitoring of first aid kits
Review of first aider certificates
Review of number of first aiders required by local legislation
C37. Access to health care Ensure the workforce has access to primary healthcare on site, providing prescriptions and vaccinations. Healthcare available on site
Medical surveillance records Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
Review of grievance records
Review of medical records (in case not confidential)
In case more than 35 workers are present on site, ensure that a hospital, medical clinic or a health center can be reached within a period of 45 minutes. Medical centers in the proximity of the site. Contractor/ NRC Medical centers in the proximity of the site identified once prior the commencement of works
C40. Hygiene, accommodation and food Ensure provision of Health and Safety (H&S) and hygienic and sanitary facilities at the site, including shaded welfare areas, bathrooms, changing rooms and potable water. Ensure toilets and changing rooms are separated between male and female employees. Appropriate H&S and sanitary facilities provided at site Contractor/ NRC Campsite inspection prior to accommodation of the workers.
Regular inspection
Review of grievance records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Ensure the provision of adequate space, supply of water, adequate sewage and garbage disposal system, appropriate protection against heat, cold, damp, fire and disease carrying animals, adequate sanitary and washing facilities, adequate lighting, and basic medical services, in accordance with all applicable health and safety regulations and norms. Appropriate conditions for workers on site Contractor/ NRC Campsite inspection prior to accommodation of the workers.
Regular inspection
Review of grievance records
Report any occurrence of any communicable/ Infectious diseases amongst the workforce (STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and Hepatitis B and C).
Sensitize workers. Communicable Diseases Register
Training performed and recorded Contractor/ NRC Review of diseases register and disease prevention program if available.
Review of training records
D. Labour and relations with local communities
D42. Labour conditions Ensure minimum legal labour standards as per ILO regulations (child/forced labour, sexual assault, no discrimination, equal opportunities, working hours, minimum wages) are met. Grievance Mechanism Records,
Training performed and recorded Contractor/ NRC Review of Inspection reports (also from labour authorities),
Review of grievance records
Review of training records
Ensure that all direct and indirect workers have access to and are aware about the Grievance Mechanism were they can raise workplace relevant complaints anonymously.
Grievance Mechanism in place and grievances recorded
Training performed and recorded Contractor/ NRC Review of grievance register
Review of training records

Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
Ensure all workers have the same rights and are treated equally. Non-discrimination policy in place Contractor/ NRC Random site inspection
Review of grievance register
D43. Local recruitment Ensure local communities are preferred for the supply of goods and services to the Project and Project personnel, where appropriate. Local Procurement and Employment Records Contractor/ NRC Review procurement and employment rules and records
Review of grievance register
D44. Transport Organize carpools/buses for worker transportation where needed. Carpools/ buses used Contractor/ NRC Review of grievance register
D47. Community interaction Engage/ communicate/ inform communities. Ensure consultations with the local authorities and communities regarding the construction. Obtain local knowledge regarding chance finds and land acquisition matters. Minutes of Meetings
Grievance Mechanism Contractor/ NRC Review of grievance register
Minutes of consultation meetings
Initiate an efficient
Grievance Mechanism to allow potentially affected individuals to raise their concerns. Grievance Mechanism in place, grievances recorded Contractor/ NRC Review of grievance register
Item Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of
Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure
D48. Damage to people and property Ensure all contractors implement codes of conduct concerning employment and workforce behavior (including but not limited to safety rules, zero tolerance for substance abuse, environmental sensitivity of the area, dangers of sexually transmissible diseases and HIV/AIDS, gender equality and sexual harassment, respect for the beliefs and customs of the populations and community relations in general). Code of Conduct
Grievance Mechanism records Contractor/
NRC Worker interviews, Review of grievance log
Ensure that site areas are provided with appropriate security, fencing, signage and lighting. Use hazard notices/signs/barriers to protect children and other vulnerable people from harm and prevent access to non-workers. H&S planning of construction site done, items installed Contractor/
NRC Inspection prior to the activities.
Random site inspection
Review of grievance register
D50. Traffic management Ensure safe driving by Project personnel (e.g. through training/induction). Driver
Training Records as part of Induction training Contractor/
NRC Review of training records
Target signage and outreach activities to improve public awareness of traffic changes and potential hazards for high-risk sections of public roads, including near the site and laydown areas. Warning signs
Minutes of Meetings

Traffic management record Contractor/
NRC Inspection if traffic routes, Review of grievance register
Ensure the Traffic management plan is applied
D51. Community Concerns on COVID -19
• Develop and implement a communication plan for all media types with key messages on prevention for facility visitors, local community, and national level following the tool from the WHO “Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Action Plan Guidance COVID-19 Preparedness and Response”
• The plan will target the general population as well as specify messages for key vulnerable populations groups such as the elderly and their carers.
Guidance from WHO COVID-19 guidance for preventing and addressing and stigma and WHO COVID-19 risk communication package for healthcare facilities NRC Review of grievance records

5. ESMP Monitoring

NRC has committed to implement an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). NRC will ensure that the ESMP will be adhered to by the Contractor and all subcontractors. To monitor the related commitments an ESMP Monitoring Table shall be used (see example below). The sheet can be amended as needed but should include as a minimum:

- ESMP commitments
- Date of Inspection
- Findings/ Observations (potentially including a colour code red/orange/green)
- Defined Corrective Actions (if any)

The ESMP shall be monitored on a monthly basis. This means that the responsible person for the ESMP implementation at the Contractor will do at least one site visit per month to the site with the ESMP commitments at hand. After each site visit the status of compliance with the ESMP commitments shall be noted down in the Excel Sheet, including corrective actions if any.
Should any environmental or Health and Safety incidents be observed or reported by the workers, this shall be reported to NRC immediately.

5.1 ESMP monitoring schedule
The overall objective of environmental and social monitoring is to ensure that mitigation measures are implemented and are effective. Environmental and social monitoring will also enable response to new and developing issues of concern during the project implementation hence ensuring that project activities comply with and adhere to environmental provisions and International standard specifications and those of the Government of Lebanon
The whole exercise of ESMP monitoring will involve monitoring compliance with regulations, managing worksites, executing specific environmental and social works and seeking solutions to emerging environmental problems.
The ESMP monitoring team will ensure regular reporting, which will be on a monthly, quarterly biennially or annually basis depending on the aspects being monitored to avoid any serious environmental consequences. Among the key issues to be monitored will be: (i) the status of the biological conditions; (ii) status of the physical works; (iii) the technical and environmental problems encountered; (iii) proposed solutions to the problems encountered; and, (v) the effectiveness of environmental and social measures adopted.
The ESMP monitoring program is proposed compliance with agreed upon local environmental standards under the laws of Lebanon. The monitoring will involve: (i) reviewing the contractor’s detailed worksite ESMP or ESIA and its specific procedures; (ii) ascertaining mitigation of the negative impacts identified; (iii) ascertaining the effectiveness of proposed measures; (iv) studying specific applicability conditions for the proposed measures; (v) monitoring the implementation of measures during the works; (vi) monitoring the recommended measures; (vii) proposing remedies in the event of occurrence of major impacts; and (viii) conducting environmental compliance and assessment at the end of the project.

The ESMP monitoring schedule:

No. Aspects to be Monitored Project Phase (execution, operational & maintenance Location Monitoring Indicators Frequency of Monitoring
01 Development of the ESMP Project Appraisal phase National Exercise ESMP prepared Once
02 Development of site-specific ESIAs Development Project sites  ESIA reports
 Adherence to laid down legal and policy requirements Once
03 Environmental conditions during the infrastructure development
 Status of the biological conditions
 Assessing the status of the physical works
 Follow up on mitigation measures
 Assess effectiveness of environmental and social mitigation measures adopted Execution and operational phases Project sites  Number of
meetings planned
and held;
 Record of
meetings that took place
 Mission reports Monthly/biannually/annually
04 Environmental conditions during the operational phase of the project. Types of chemicals used during rehabilitation, etc. Operational phases Project localities  Number of
meetings planned
and held;
 Record of
meetings that took place
 Mission reports Monthly/six monthly/annually
05 Environmental conditions during the operational phase of the project – operations including, Painting, Water supply, transportation of working material and public engagement Operational phase Project localities  Number of
meetings planned
and held;
 Record of
meetings that took place
 Mission reports Monthly/six monthly/annually

5.2 Example for an ESMP Monitoring Table

Topic/ Mitigation,
Management and
Measures Means of Verification Responsibility Monitoring Procedure Date of Inspection/
Review/ ESMP Monitoring
Impact DD/MM/JJ
Occupational Health and Safety Findings/
Observations Corrective

Ambient Air Findings/
Observations Corrective

Colour Code for Findings/ Observations
Red Flag. Major Non-compliance with ESMP requirements. Urgent Action needed to protect ecological and human environment and avoid risks to the Project schedule.
Minor Non-compliance. Action needed but no immediate threat for ecological and human environment or Project schedule.
In compliance with ESMP commitment.

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