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Advisory Services for a Coal Phase Out Initiative (EXPIRED)

Appel d'offres

Informations générales

Pays:   International
Ville/Localité:   Philippines
Date de publication:   Sept 6, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Septembre 27, 2023 - 00:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   MULTI - UNOPS (ETP)
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   Please see: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/212510
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Praewpan Intapanya
208 Wireless Road Building, Lumpini, Pathumwan
Téléphone:   +66 2 288 1614
Adresse électronique :   ETP@unops.org
Site Web:   https://www.energytransitionpartnership.org/

Marchandises, Travaux et Services


Texte original

ETP is currently implementing a regional programme titled “Transition to End Coal'' or TRANSEND Coal to expand the success of such a pioneering example to retire early CFPPs and offer a reinvestment pathway towards renewable energy. The overarching outcome of TRANSEND Coal, a sustainable energy financing initiative, is to generate models of early CFPP retirement that could be replicated along with a potential advisory facility to help secure early retirement deals in the region.

TRANSEND Coal has three components: (i) end-to-end financial, legal, and technical engineering (advisory services) for the early retirement of a CFPP, (ii) a revolving transition advisory facility, and (iii) knowledge dissemination that will help countries in Southeast Asia to carry out early retirement of CFPPs.

This consultancy service provider will focus on providing advisory and support to the second component of the programme which intends to establish a revolving advisory facility for transition deals. The main objective of this revolving advisory facility, once established, is to provide guidance on specific potential transition deals, and cover the cost of the services rendered under component 1 of TRANSEND that will lead to the early retirement of CFPPs. As the name suggests, the “clients” or CFPP asset-owners will repay the cost of these services once the deal has been closed, allowing the fund to revolve and more transaction deals to be executed.

Before committing to the establishment of the revolving facility, ETP would like to assess if there is any market for such a concept.
TRANSEND Coal is looking at establishing case models for transition transactions in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. To initiate the work in the Philippines, the assignment also requires an assessment of the policy and regulatory landscape for such transition deals.

More information: Cliquez ici
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