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Provision for the Services of Consulting Firm/Facilitators for conducting consultative workshops and stakeholders dialogue for climate-resilient and carbon-neutral country by 2050 (EXPIRED)

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Maurice
Ville/Localité:   Rose-Hill, Mauritius
Date de publication:   Nov 15, 2023
Date limite (heure locale):   Novembre 21, 2023 - 13:30
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   MAURITIUS - Université des Mascareignes
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   At least 5 years of experience in conducting similar assignments, including policy
dialogues, backed by letters from clients testifying that the assignments were carried
out to their satisfaction
• Demonstrable experience with innovative tools and methodologies for conducting
dialogues for visioning and policy-making
• Demonstrable experience for conducting multiple dialogues spread over a
relatively long period of time (e.g. up to 24 months)
• Experience working in collaboration with other partners such as public institution
(e.g. a ministry) and academia (e.g. university) for facilitating dialogues
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Shirley Arokium
Université des Mascareignes
Ave de la Concorde
Camp Le Vieux
Téléphone:   + 230 466 9500
Adresse électronique :   sarokium@udm.ac.mu
Site Web:   http://www.udm.ac.mu



Texte original

The Université des Mascareignes (UdM) hereby invites Expressionof Interest from National and
International qualified Consultants for conducting consultative workshops and stakeholders
dialogue for climate-resilient and carbon-neutral country under the Facilité 2050 (F 2050) project.
1. The F 2050 is an assistance of the French Government to support partner countries in the
formulation and implementation of long-term low carbon, climate resilient development
strategies in key sectors, namely, Energy, Transport, Agriculture and Tourism up to the year
2050. Mauritius is one among 30 countries benefiting of this financial assistance through the
Agence Française de Développement (AFD). In this context, a financing agreement has
been signed on 15 February 2022, between the AFD and the Ministry of Finance, Economic
Planning and Development which thereafter delegated the project management to the
Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change (Environment and
Climate Change Division) (MESWMCC).
2. A partnership agreement was signed on 14 July 2022 between the MESWMCC and the UdM
for technical support under F 2050. The UdM, through the Sustainability and Climate Change
Programme (SCCP) is tasked with developing the long-term strategies.
3. Other details of the requirements and conditions are contained in the Invitation for Expression
of Interest and may be downloaded from the websites of the Public Procurement
Portal: http://publicprocurement.govmu.org or UdMwebsitehttp://www.udm.ac.mu or
Agence Française de Développement- https://afd.dgmarket.com/.
4. The Expression of Interest in sealed envelope clearly marked” UDM/EOI/1/2023-2024”
Provision for the services of consulting firm/facilitators for conducting consultative workshops
and stakeholders dialogue for climate resilient and carbon neutral country should be
addressed to the Director, Université des Mascareignes and deposited in the Tender Box
located at Ground Floor, Université des Mascareignes, Avenue de la Concorde, Roches
Brunes, Rose-Hill on or before Tuesday,21st November 2023 up to 13 30 hours (local time) at
5. The Université des Mascareignes reserves the right to accept or reject any interest expressed
and to annul the whole Expression of Interest exercise without incurring any liability
whatsoever to any applicant.
Date: 06 November 2023

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