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Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt

Informations générales

Pays:   Inde
Numéro de l'avis/du contrat:   NIUA/PMU/CITIIS/2023-24/04
Date de publication:   Mar 14, 2024
Date limite (heure locale):   Avril 4, 2024 - 17:00
Agence de financement:   Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement
Acheteur:   INDIA - National Institute of Urban Affairs
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires:   i. The Consultant should be a Public Ltd./Pvt Ltd./NGO/Society/LLP /Proprietorship and must be a Firm/Company with proven track record and previous experience in conducting similar studies. The Firm/Company should be registered with Income Tax Authorities and GST Network. Copy of certificate of incorporation along with name change if any, copy of PAN Card and copy of GST Registration Certificate is required.
ii. Joint-Venture (JV) up-to three entities is allowed. In case of Joint-Venture, the Lead Member shall have a majority of at least 51 % share of interest in the JV Firm. A member of the JV Firm shall not be permitted to participate either in the individual capacity or as a member of another JV Firm for this EOI.
iii. On the last date of submission of the Proposal, the Consultant should not be blacklisted by Central Government/State Governments/Union Territories/PSUs in India for unsatisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices. The form for self – certified undertaking is attached in Tech Forms.
Langue d'origine:   Anglais


Adresse :   Jitendra Anand
Procurement Specialist
National Institute of Urban Affairs
National Institute of Urban Affairs, 1st and 2nd Floor, Core 4B
India Habitat Center Lodhi Road, New Delhi, Delhi
New Delhi, Delhi 110003
Téléphone:   011 2464 3284
Adresse électronique :   citiis@niua.org
Site Web:   http://niua.org



Texte original

Letter of Invitation
New Delhi
Dear Mr./Ms.:
1. City Investments To Innovate, Integrate and Sustain (CITIIS) 2.0, the second phase of the CITIIS program, has been conceived by MoHUA in collaboration with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), European Union (EU), and National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) to supplement such climate initiatives of Government of India and MoHUA through its unique model. The program builds upon the learnings and successes of CITIIS 1.0 and is designed to supplement MoHUA’s actions undertaken through ongoing national programs, while deepening the values of innovation, inclusion, and sustainability.
2. The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) (hereinafter called “Client”) has been designated as the Program Management Unit (PMU) by the MoHUA for managing the CITIIS 2.0 program. The Client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Expression of Interest (EOI) is issued for selection of a Consulting Firm. The duration of the services is expected to extend up to 36 months depending upon the nature of the projects.
3. Consulting Firms/ Joint Venture (JV) of Firms (Bidder) with successful and high standard of achievements and proven experiences are invited to submit their EOIs as per the submission format annexed to this document. A Bidder may be private entity, government-owned entity, or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a joint venture (JV).
4. If the Applicant is a JV, the EOI shall include a Letter of Intent to execute a JV Agreement, signed by all members together with a copy of the Agreement proposal. In the absence of this document, the other members will be considered as sub-consultants. Experiences and qualifications of sub-consultants will not be taken into account in the evaluation of the applications.
5. Among the submitted EOI applications, the CITIIS PMU will shortlist upto six (6) Consulting Firms/ JVs based on Quality of proposals (QBS).
6. Only shortlisted bidders will be issued Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents, including Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment and be invited to submit a detailed proposal. CITIIS-PMU expects to appoint one Consulting Firm/ JV in this bidding process. In accordance with Government of India Procurement Guidelines and AFD Procurement Guidelines, Quality cum Cost Based Selection (QCBS) mode of procurement will be adopted in the RFP.
7. Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the “Guidelines for the Procurement of the AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries” available online at www.afd.fr. Candidates are required to submit the “COVENANT OF INTEGRITY” as per the format provided as a part of their EOI.
8. The EOI shall be published on the NIUA website and e-published on CPPP. The EOI is free of cost for download. Bid Security / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is not required for the submission of the proposal. It is not permissible to transfer this invitation to any other Consultant.
9. Any queries in relation to the RFP to be sent prior to 22-03-2024 17:00 hr IST at the mail ID citiis@niua.org and the responses will be available online by 28-03-2024. For details refer to https://niua.in/tenders page and click on “Invitation for EOI for Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance under the CITIIS Program –Transversal Experts". The responses to the queries will be also be provided on the same page.
10. The Consultant has to submit electronic copy as well as hardbound physical copy of the EOI as follows –
• EOI should be uploaded as electronic copy in English language only, not later than 1700 Hrs hours on 04-04-2024 at the NIUA website. For details on online submission, refer to https://niua.in/tenders page and click on “Invitation for EOI for Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance under the CITIIS Program –Transversal Experts".
• The physical copy of EOI should be submitted at the following address - National Institute of Urban Affairs, Core 4B, 1st Floor, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi-110003 by 04-04-2024, 17:00 hr IST. The Check List for submission of documents should be adhered. Late submissions would be rejected.
11. To substantiate their credentials and to respond to any queries, the Consultants may be asked to make a presentation of their EOI, during the evaluation stage.
12. The issue of the EOI does not imply that the NIUA is bound to select bid(s), and it reserves the right without assigning any reason to
i. reject any or all of the bids, or
ii. cancel the tender process; or
iii. abandon the procurement process; or
iv. issue another bid for identical or similar work
Yours sincerely,
Director - NIUA
National Institute of Urban Affairs

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