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EGYPT - Gas Regulatory Authority (GASREG)

Ce maître d'ouvrage publie des avis sous Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement.
EGYPT - Gas Regulatory Authority (GASREG) opère dans le pays suivant : Égypte.
Gas Regulatory Authority, Egypt “GASREG” is an independent public body established by virtue of Law no. (196/2017) for “Regulation of Gas Market Activities”. GASREG is established with the objective of monitoring the functioning of the gas market, encouraging new investments, regulating the gas market activities, introducing competition amongst potential market players by allowing Third Party Access to gas networks and availed facilities under a fair and non-discriminatory basis, along with increasing the quality of services provided, and protecting the consumers’ rights. GASREG exercises all powers needed to achieve those objectives acting independently in a fair, transparent neutral and non-discriminatory manner.

The main roles of GASREG as set forth in the aforementioned law include:

Monitoring the performance of all Gas market players.
Granting Licenses.
Approving codes of using gas networks and facilities.
Setting the methodologies for the calculation of tariffs against the access of gas networks and facilities.
Handling of complaints that may arise between the market players.

Avis de passation de marchés

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Type de l'avis Titre de l'Avis Publié Date limite (heure locale)
Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt Consulting services on regulatory topics to gas regulatory authority of egypt Sept 1, 2024  Sept 22, 2024 
Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt implementation of document handling software Avr 7, 2024  Avr 29, 2024 
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